• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Six characters...

... in 59 minutes.
Those of you who frequent the SJGames forum may have seen this, if so, my apologies.

A couple of weeks ago I did a little test of the CT character generation system. I wanted to see if it was possible, during my lunch break, to generate one character from each of the original six professions. I was able to do it, in 59 minutes, including time to locate paper and pencil.

Thus, for your amusement, allow me to introduce...

Ex-Marine Trooper, 3½ Terms
Admin-1, Brawling-1, Cutlass-1, Electronic-1, Tactics-1, Vacc Suit-1
Cr 5000
Travellers', High Passage

Ex-Scout, 1½ Terms
Jack-of-all-Trades-1, Pilot-1
Laser Carbine

Ex-Merchant 4th Officer, 2 Terms
Dagger-1, Electronic-1, Jack-of-all-Trades-1, Pilot-1
Cr 20,000
Body Pistol

Ex-Navy Starman, 2 Terms
Engineering-1, Medical-1
Cr 10,000
Low Passage

Ex-Army Lt Colonel, 5 Terms
Blade-3, Grav Belt-3, Forward Observer-1, Laser Carbine-2, Mechanical-2, Rifle-1, SMG-1
Cr 4,000
Low Passage, Middle Passage, High Passage, Laser Carbine

Ex-Other, 3½ Terms
Brawling-1, Electronic-1, Forgery-1, Grav Belt-1, Streetwise-1
Cr 11,000
Low Passage
And here's my 34-minute's contribution:

Ex-Marine Trooper, 3½ Terms
Admin-1, Brawling-1, Cutlass-1, Electronic-1, Tactics-1, Vacc Suit-1
Cr 5000
Travellers', High Passage

Born on a low-tech world, you saw enlistment in the Marines as your ticket out of poverty. You applied for special training in electronics, and were accepted into the Tactical Electronics School. You eventually advanced to the rank of E6 without ever seeing combat, until the civil disorders in the Regina Subsector during the mid-1100's. Your bravery in keeping your post and preventing the insurgents from capturing it earned you a commendation and TAS membership. Unfortunately, your injuries sustained during the uprising cost you your military career, and you ware awarded a medical discharge.

Ex-Scout, 1½ Terms
Jack-of-all-Trades-1, Pilot-1
Laser Carbine

Being drafted into the Scout Service seemed like the worst disaster in your life, especially when you were sent to an express boat waystation instead of a dirtside admin assignment. Still, you stayed out of trouble and made yourself useful. In your second term, you were assigned to an express boat route and served well for two years, until it was discovered that someone had attempted to access certain sensitive documents, alegedly during jump. While no proof could be brought to bear against you that YOU had actually committed the act, your trustworthiness was called into question, and you were administratively discharged from the IISS.

Ex-Merchant 4th Officer, 2 Terms
Dagger-1, Electronic-1, Jack-of-all-Trades-1, Pilot-1
Cr 20,000
Body Pistol

The Merchant life was great, but once you've seen one dusty, smelly downport, you've seen them all. Besides, being of small stature meant putting up with the indifference (at best) and intimidation (at worst) by the stevadores at every port. After all, you're much smarter than most of them, and better educated, too! But when they passed you over for promotion to 3rd Officer, you decided to take your talents where they would be better appreciated.

Ex-Navy Starman, 2 Terms
Engineering-1, Medical-1
Cr 10,000
Low Passage

Eight years in the service, and still only an enlisted. You'd hoped that striking for Corpsman would have gotten you further and faster than cranking gees down in the hole. Still, you know your way around a power plant, and you can patch up any injury short of a missing limb. These skills should get you something better in the real world ... you hope.

Ex-Army Lt Colonel, 5 Terms
Blade-3, Grav Belt-3, Forward Observer-1, Laser Carbine-2, Mechanical-2, Rifle-1, SMG-1
Cr 4,000
Low Passage, Middle Passage, High Passage, Laser Carbine

You are a soldier's soldier, and you have certainly earned your retirement. The last 20 years working your way up in the Infantry have proven your worth. You have little patience with those who whine about how tough life is or how they can never get a break. Your "people skills" leave something to be desired, but you are not concerned with excuses, only results. Get in, get it done, and get paid; that's how life is, soldier!

Ex-Other, 3½ Terms
Brawling-1, Electronic-1, Forgery-1, Grav Belt-1, Streetwise-1
Cr 11,000
Low Passage

Yeah ... well ... there was this thing going on, and the Consigliere cautioned you to not ask too many questions, but when your best buddy turned up face down in the river with a few more holes in his chest than he was born with, you just had to find out. So it wasn't like you were trying to cause any trouble ... no ... you just wanted to know what happened ... before it happened to you. Next thing you know, you wake up with a light in your face and a gun at your head, and someone hands you a suitcase. Now, you may not be the smartest jamook in town, but you know what's good for you, so you take the hint, and maybe the next freighter to anywhere else. Capisci?