How about a glossery of site shorthand for those of us who may not have all the canon materials refered to by this shorthand. I just found this site about Christmas and while I have been playing (and playing with) Traveller in several versions since about mid 1978, I sure don't reconigize all of the references. I have figured out several of the most comon like CT for Clasic Traveller and LBBx for Little Black Book # 1-8 (or the earliest rule sets). I also discovered a reference a set of rules that I never saw called F.F.& S. (Fire,Fusion & Steel if I remember correctly). A listing of the most common would be helpful to those of us who are relativly new to this site or who have found out about Traveller in it's many forms by discovering this site.
Here is my starter list:
CT - Classic Traveller: the origional version of the game.
LBB's - Little Black Book(s)# 1 - 8: the first rule books were # 1 - 3; so called because they were the size of a standard sheet of typing paper folded in half from top to bottom, and had a black cover. Each had 48 of these 1/2 sheet sized pages
#0: An Introduction to Traveller (added later)
#1: Charecters & Combat (origional 3 book set)
#2: Starships (origional 3 book set)
#3: Worlds and Adventures (origional 3 book set)
#4: Mercenary (expanded character generation for Army and Marine and upgraded combat rules)
#5: High Guard [also called HG] (expanded character generation for Navy characters and upgraded starship design rules
#6: Scouts (expanded character generation for scouts and upgraded world and star system generation rules)
#7: Merchant Prince (expanded character generation for Merchants and trade rules)
#8: Robots (robot design rules)
Then there are additional rules sets and or referee aids in the same size books, but with other colors
AM #1 - 8: Alien Modules details about different alien races (note 3 of these races are 100% human so these modules focused on the cultural differences between the cultures)
S #1 - 13: Supplements (2 Libary Data, 2 Sector data, 4 different types of pre-generated chacerters, 3 different ship related data, and 1 each animals and paperwork layouts
A #0 - 13 & D #1 - 8: Adventure /Double Adventure outlines
J #1 -24, BJ #1 - 4, C #25 - 34: a series of mimi-magazines of the same 1/2 page sized booklets. Started out as Journal, Best of Journal, and changed to Challenge
MT - Magatraveller: first major overhaul of the entire rule sets also a transformation to rule books with full sized pages Sets the stage for the breakup of the Imperium
MTIE - Imperial Encyclopedia (MT): Background info and libary data on the CT & MT universe Also details on equipment, combat, starhips, spacecraft, vehicles, and their operations. System data for the Spinward Marches
MTRC - Referee's Companion (MT): Combat, in system operations, technology data and how to make use of it, Alien races, and sector, subsector,and world mapping
MTSOM Vol 1 - Starship Operator's Manual (MT): just what the name says
MTFS - Fighting Ships (MT): details on military ships and how the Imperial Navy uses them
MTPM & MTRM - Player's Manual & Referee's Manual (MT): PM charecter generation and more combat/encounter/enteraction rules, RM background information for the rebellion, System generation, ship & vehicle design and ship combat rules
TNE - The New Era: Introduces Virus and the aftermath of the rebellion rules simplified from MT.
T4,T20,GT - later versions of Traveller with which I don't have much data to work from.
Please add those I have missed or correct my errors
Here is my starter list:
CT - Classic Traveller: the origional version of the game.
LBB's - Little Black Book(s)# 1 - 8: the first rule books were # 1 - 3; so called because they were the size of a standard sheet of typing paper folded in half from top to bottom, and had a black cover. Each had 48 of these 1/2 sheet sized pages
#0: An Introduction to Traveller (added later)
#1: Charecters & Combat (origional 3 book set)
#2: Starships (origional 3 book set)
#3: Worlds and Adventures (origional 3 book set)
#4: Mercenary (expanded character generation for Army and Marine and upgraded combat rules)
#5: High Guard [also called HG] (expanded character generation for Navy characters and upgraded starship design rules
#6: Scouts (expanded character generation for scouts and upgraded world and star system generation rules)
#7: Merchant Prince (expanded character generation for Merchants and trade rules)
#8: Robots (robot design rules)
Then there are additional rules sets and or referee aids in the same size books, but with other colors
AM #1 - 8: Alien Modules details about different alien races (note 3 of these races are 100% human so these modules focused on the cultural differences between the cultures)
S #1 - 13: Supplements (2 Libary Data, 2 Sector data, 4 different types of pre-generated chacerters, 3 different ship related data, and 1 each animals and paperwork layouts
A #0 - 13 & D #1 - 8: Adventure /Double Adventure outlines
J #1 -24, BJ #1 - 4, C #25 - 34: a series of mimi-magazines of the same 1/2 page sized booklets. Started out as Journal, Best of Journal, and changed to Challenge
MT - Magatraveller: first major overhaul of the entire rule sets also a transformation to rule books with full sized pages Sets the stage for the breakup of the Imperium
MTIE - Imperial Encyclopedia (MT): Background info and libary data on the CT & MT universe Also details on equipment, combat, starhips, spacecraft, vehicles, and their operations. System data for the Spinward Marches
MTRC - Referee's Companion (MT): Combat, in system operations, technology data and how to make use of it, Alien races, and sector, subsector,and world mapping
MTSOM Vol 1 - Starship Operator's Manual (MT): just what the name says
MTFS - Fighting Ships (MT): details on military ships and how the Imperial Navy uses them
MTPM & MTRM - Player's Manual & Referee's Manual (MT): PM charecter generation and more combat/encounter/enteraction rules, RM background information for the rebellion, System generation, ship & vehicle design and ship combat rules
TNE - The New Era: Introduces Virus and the aftermath of the rebellion rules simplified from MT.
T4,T20,GT - later versions of Traveller with which I don't have much data to work from.
Please add those I have missed or correct my errors