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Simple Fuel question

How much fuel does a regular starship fuel tank carry?

Not a drop tank. The standard tank.

Also, how much do these tanks cost?

I can find a reference to Drop Tanks, but I see no information on cost or capacity of regular old fuel tanks
A fuel tank is exactly as big as you need it to be. There is no standard size. You just say your ship needs X amount of fuel, and that's the size of the tank.
They cost nothing, since they're just empty space.
Yes. In theory, you could design starships that can go several jumps without refueling. FOr some reason, the OTU doesn't generally do this. I guess it messes with the stellar terrain or something. Makes rifts less interesting if you can just hop across it. Still, there is no reason why you can't do it. Having a long range colonizer that was half fuel would probably be a good idea anyway.
Of course, the bigger the fuel tanks are the less room thier is for mission-essential stuff. Trading ships that sacrifice cargo for fuel make less money on runs (on thw whole), and militray vessels lose room for weapons, armour and fighters. Its a balance.

Some ships I've designed have had multiple jumps of fuel, but maily raiding and exploratory ships (don't want to get there and not be able to get back).

I don't think it messes with the stellar terrain any, as the ships like that do exist. A 1kdt courier with 2 jump 6s is useful for fast message carrying, but useless in militray or trading roles as it hasn't the room for enough guns/troops/cargo.

Originally posted by Shane Mclean:

A 1kdt courier with 2 jump 6s is useful for fast message carrying, but useless in militray or trading roles as it hasn't the room for enough guns/troops/cargo.

Erm How.
Oh drop tanks, I'll go back to sleep now