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Silishii class liner - Type RS


Super Moderator
OK, I finally have some deckplans to go with my numbers for a saucer-shaped (missing a slice) passenger ship. So, it is time to post it, and ask for help in one area. The design was inspired by an Analog cover from Feb 2002.

First, the help: This is currently in Word. :( I would really like it in .pdf to post to the f-library. Can someone do that for me, or point me in the right direction? :confused:

Without further ado, here is the CT, LBB5 Silishii class liner:
Patinandi shipyards (design by Zesuuaa Umpriig)
19 weeks, MCr 265.88
TL 13
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> dT MCr
500 dT, streamlined saucer 500 35
(standard from this shipyard)
Jump drive F, J2 -35 60
Mnvr drive F, 2G -11 24
Pwrplant F -19 48
Fuel (1xJ2, 4wks ops) -120 0

Bridge -20 2.5
Computer Model 4 -4 30
Programs 9.1
(Maneuver, Jump 1,2, Navigation, Generate,
Anti-Hijack, Library, Maneuver/Evade 2,
Anti-Missile, Target, Launch, Gunner Interact)

Staterooms x50 -200 25
Low Berths x20 (1 low berth) -10 1
4 Emergency Low Berths x16 -4 0.4
Cargo -52

5 Hardpoints: 0.5
2 Triple turrets -2 4.5
2x Pulse, 1x Sandcaster
1 Triple turret -1 3.25
2x Beam, 1x Sandcaster
2 Triple turrets -2 6.5
3x Missiles

Launch w/ cradle -20 14

Architect's Fee 2.63</pre>[/QUOTE]Crew:
1 Pilot
1 Navigator
2 Engineers (1 Chief)
1 Medic
5 Stewards (1 Chief)
5 Gunners (1 Chief)
(All gunners except Chief Gunner may double as Stewards. You're not really going to be serving drinks if you need the weapons....)

1 note on crew/staterooms: If you double up on Stewards/Gunners, 4 crew staterooms become available for passengers. These rooms are on C-deck and can be isolated from crew facilities if used for passengers.

Here's the link to the whole thing: Silishii class liner
Here are direct links to the deckplan pictures:
D-Deck (rather unexciting)
You can get free PDF converters for Windows stuff: do a search for PDF printers or converters. I use PrimoPDF, but simply because it was the first I found. You essentially just install, and then print your document to that printer which will generate a PDF for you.
needs a captain and another pilot. I'd also toss in another engineer, or at least someone with electronics 1 and mechanics 1.

for turrets I'd go with SSS+SSS, SSS+SSS, BBB, for a total of three batteries and three gunners.
flykiller, does it need another pilot? I'm using LBB5, and I thought there was only a requirement for 1. I'm not complaining, just wondering if that is a "How I'd do it" or something I missed in LBB5 (or elsewhere).

Brazil, I've looked into that. I feel rather leery of a bunch of the free stuff on the web lately. But, I will look again.
Another option rather than a PDF converter would be to use Open Office - it's also free and uses one of the open source licenses. It can read Word documents and has PDF output built in. But I can understand being leery of free stuff - sometimes it bites back! However Open Office is well regarded except by Microsoft (plus it runs on Macs, Linux and Unix. Sorry - techno-geek for a living)
flykiller, does it need another pilot?
by the rules, no. just common sense. what happens to all those passengers if the single pilot gets sick or dies? even if he's OK he'll be spending many hours stuck in that pilot's chair without a break, plus he'll be pulling simultaneous double-duty as ship's de-facto captain. the workload is simply too great.

by the way, book 5 never specifies a pilot manning requirement. neither does book 2, except to say one must be present. unless I'm missing something.
Brazil, that's right! I had forgotten that OO will output a PDF! I don't have it on my working PC, but I will have to get it up and running there. Thanks!

OK, flykiller, just checking. I think there's enough room to add crew personnel, if you double-up the junior crew.

BTW, what's the "SSS" and "BBB"? Is that triple sandcasters and a triple beam?
Originally posted by flykiller:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />flykiller, does it need another pilot?
by the rules, no. just common sense. what happens to all those passengers if the single pilot gets sick or dies? even if he's OK he'll be spending many hours stuck in that pilot's chair without a break, plus he'll be pulling simultaneous double-duty as ship's de-facto captain. the workload is simply too great.

by the way, book 5 never specifies a pilot manning requirement. neither does book 2, except to say one must be present. unless I'm missing something.
</font>[/QUOTE]But the pilot only flies the ship for a few hours to and from the 100D limit. During the week in JumpSpace, he is the dashing Captain...
But the pilot only flies the ship for a few hours to and from the 100D limit. During the week in JumpSpace, he is the dashing Captain...
if the target world is inside the local star's 100d limit then transit can take up to twelve hours or more - and if book 6 is used to generate systems then there's a lot of these.

for <=200 dton ships with only a few crew the traveller rules for crew are sufficient. traveller is after all an RPG. but for larger ships or ships with many passengers the rules are simply insufficient.
Good suggestions, all. All these items would be in the brochure....
One variation, of course, would be to go without the weapons, and do away with the gunners entirely. The full cargo version (which will follow) does away with the stewards. Etc.

For game purposes, did I follow the book properly? Any boo-boos you see?
A quick thread hijack (yes, of my own thread!):
The way I have constructed one vessel, it comes to 1024dT. Would you actually require it to be treated as a 2000dT vessel? It falls within the 10-20% rule. (Heck, it falls within 2.5%!)

After answering this, you can get back to critiquing my saucer design. ;)
Originally posted by Fritz88:
A quick thread hijack (yes, of my own thread!):
The way I have constructed one vessel, it comes to 1024dT. Would you actually require it to be treated as a 2000dT vessel? It falls within the 10-20% rule. (Heck, it falls within 2.5%!)

After answering this, you can get back to critiquing my saucer design. ;)
The 10-20% guideline (not rule, and it's +/- but who ever uses the -) is not for the actual tonnage but for deckplan depiction of that tonnage (and it's still a cop-out imo). But as is often said, it's your game

By the strict rules (for LBB2 only) you'd have to treat it as 2000tons for purposes of drives only. Any other design system will let you calculate everything for the exact tonnage.
The 10-20% guideline ... is not for the actual tonnage but for deckplan depiction of that tonnage (and it's still a cop-out imo).
when I've done deckplans I've made a point of always adhering as exactly as possible to the actual dtonnage. yes, it can be done, but the cabins and spaces wind up being very cramped. 4 dtons per cabin just isn't enough. I've found that if the dtonnages are followed exactly for component installation but that deckplans are allowed to be 110% to 120% to allow for corridors, lounges, and other non-performance items, the plans look much better and are much more suitable for a role-playing game while still following the spirit of the rules.
Going by most of the deckplans I've seen a 4dT stateroom can be anything from 4 to 6 squares on average.
This leaves between 4 and 2 squares to allocate to common areas and corridors.

More common/corridor squares can be allocated by adding up the missing 0.5m^3 from each mapped dT (for every thirteen squares mapped you get one additional square "for free").
Originally posted by flykiller:
...when I've done deckplans I've made a point of always adhering as exactly as possible to the actual dtonnage. yes, it can be done, but the cabins and spaces wind up being very cramped. 4 dtons per cabin just isn't enough. I've found that if the dtonnages are followed exactly for component installation but that deckplans are allowed to be 110% to 120% to allow for corridors, lounges, and other non-performance items, the plans look much better and are much more suitable for a role-playing game while still following the spirit of the rules.
Glad to hear it anytime someone tries

It is hard, and yes the ship is often very cramped as a result. Personally I think it adds to role-playing potential rather than detracts.

I'm still too picky for my own plans as far as that goes but am much more forgiving of others, especially after re-reading Supplement 7 a while back. Particularly the bit about deckplans that I'd either missed or skimmed and forgotten when first reading it originally. The bit about adding 10% to all areas for proper access and representation of them, and another 10% of the total ship volume just for corridors. That makes many of the published deckplans much more acceptable. It still doesn't explain them all though (the A2 specifically leaps to mind).
Originally posted by Fritz88:
First, the help: This is currently in Word. :( I would really like it in .pdf to post to the f-library. Can someone do that for me, or point me in the right direction? :confused:
Sheesh NP

Silishii class passenge liners
DL it and host it somewhere if you can... ;)

Velshandru and I are making GRiP gamelets that have DP's for a ship with NPC's and adventure hooks in GRiP format. Maybe we could use yours, if you like...
Sigg, you only get that free sqare if you use the 14m^3/dTon. I can't bring myself to do that. (What with 1.5x3x3 pretty much equaling 13.5 and all...) :D

I know the rule only applies to the deckplan, but it is really close to 1000dT, and who says the universe uses meters, anyway? I'm just going to "fudge" it - the deckplan is going to look odd, anyway, as the deck height is 3.5277m instead of 3m.... Thank you for the responses, folks! Now, back to our regular Thread:


Thanks, Berg! I will check it out. I have Open Office and will try my hand at it, now, too. One version or the other will be up online soon. I will edit the original link.

Edit: Posted at the original link! end edit
Originally posted by Fritz88:
I know the rule only applies to the deckplan, but it is really close to 1000dT, and who says the universe uses meters, anyway? I'm just going to "fudge" it - the deckplan is going to look odd, anyway, as the deck height is 3.5277m instead of 3m....
My apologies, I had gotten a different impression from the post. Fudging is absolutely fine for YTU but may limit sharing usability, or not, depending on how big an issue that may be. I wonder if you couldn't just cut 24tons worth of cargo from the design without it impacting seriously on the overall flavour? Just as an option. You wouldn't even have to neccesarily change the deckplans, just the design total for cargo.