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I am new to Traveller. Last night, when I mustered out of academic, I rolled and received a Lab Ship. Excited in the beginning, I am now confused. It says that you still owe payments on the vehicle and maintenance.

With a cost of 203,038,000 ticket, the monthly payment would be 845992 Credits and the running costs for Life Support 54000 monthly, 44000 for a jump, and around 6800 a month for maintenace, how the heck would I am be able to pay for that????

Even if all I did was book High Passage in the staterooms, I would be hard pressed to break even. If the ship was between 80-89 years old and I jumped twice fully booking the ship, I could turn a profit of about 35000 monthly.

I feel that we must be missing something. But what is it ??
Originally posted by ikey:
I am new to Traveller. Last night, when I mustered out of academic, I rolled and received a Lab Ship. Excited in the beginning, I am now confused. It says that you still owe payments on the vehicle and maintenance.

With a cost of 203,038,000 ticket, the monthly payment would be 845992 Credits and the running costs for Life Support 54000 monthly, 44000 for a jump, and around 6800 a month for maintenace, how the heck would I am be able to pay for that????
[snip snip]
Finance it with "Experiments", "Exploration" or simply "Adventures"

Getting a few MCr in running a research on some obscure world for a Corp/Gov can be a way out.
As a researcher in real life I can tell you that running a lab is expensive with a capital E. You know how it is funded? Grants. Many from the NIH, but also from foundations, CDC, private industry, etc.

So I would recommend finding a grant from either a university, a local government, a corporation (mega or otherwise), foundations, whatever. It could be turned into a perfect adventure hook.