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Ship's Stores


Just had a friend point out that p.348 has a table which gives some interesting volumes/costs for extra ship's stores. So far so good.

The text mentions that "Most ships simply replenish their life-support systems at the end of each jump but it is possible to purchase and store such supplies in bulk to avoid having to constantly pay the standard recharge fees."

It is apparent from the table that the bulk discount available is 10%, but it is not apparent what the 'standard' stores actually are. Do they give you two weeks supplies (my default assumption), some calculation based on the 0.5 ton per stateroom (10 weeks for one person) or something else?
Evening Falkayn,

From experience gained as a crew member of 4 sub, 1 sub tender, and 1 repair facility "'standard' stores load out" is usually the basic items. The standard stores will be repair parts, food, tools, charts, batteries, office supplies,...etc. In fact the standard load out frequently varies between ships of the same class. By this I mean, on one patrol/cruise Ship A depletes the stock of 20 Amp fuses, which are replenished at the next port call. The next patrol/cruise Ship A doesn't use any fuses, but uses half of the life support filters. Upon return to port, they restock the filters. Generally, the military sets a standard for the supplies being carried as a basic stores load out, which is added to by the ships crew. Non-military (aka civilian) ships may have a basic load out that is set by the company or if independant by the ship's Captain and safety regulations imposed by a government organization.

Originally posted by Falkayn:
Just had a friend point out that p.348 has a table which gives some interesting volumes/costs for extra ship's stores. So far so good.

The text mentions that "Most ships simply replenish their life-support systems at the end of each jump but it is possible to purchase and store such supplies in bulk to avoid having to constantly pay the standard recharge fees."

It is apparent from the table that the bulk discount available is 10%, but it is not apparent what the 'standard' stores actually are. Do they give you two weeks supplies (my default assumption), some calculation based on the 0.5 ton per stateroom (10 weeks for one person) or something else?