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Ships of Gateway #12 - Armstrong Frontier Cruiser


Its been a *very* long time since I've posted one of these.

Ship: Gagarin
Class: Armstrong
Type: Frontier Cruiser
Architect: Andrew Moffatt-Vallance
Tech Level: 13

CF-H434553-460200-45408-0 MCr 5,911.012 8 KTons
Bat Bear 6 421 4 Crew: 132
Bat 6 421 4 TL: 13

Cargo: 144.800 Passengers: 20 Low: 32 Fuel: 3,265 EP: 865 Agility: 4 Shipboard Security Detail: 8 Marines: 24 Pulse Lasers
Craft: 4 x 50T LB101 Cutters
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops and On Board Fuel Purification

Architects Fee: MCr 58.698 Cost in Quantity: MCr 4,737.050

Detailed Description
(T20 Design)

8,000.000 tons standard, 112,000.000 cubic meters, Streamlined Close Structure Configuration, 250.000 Structure Points

16 Officers, 92 Ratings, 24 Marines

Jump-3, 4G Manuever, 865.000 Ton Power Plant, 865.000 EP, Agility 4

Bridge, Model/5 Computer, Model/3 Flight Avionics, Model/5 Sensors, Model/5 Maser Communications

5 50-ton bays, 30 Hardpoints

1 50-ton Particle Accelerator Bay (Factor-4), 4 50-ton Missile Bays (Factor-8), 8 Triple Pulse Laser Turrets organised into 4 Batteries (Factor-4), 4 Dual Fusion Gun Turrets organised into 2 Batteries (Factor-5)

18 Triple Sandcaster Turrets organised into 6 Batteries (Factor-6), Nuclear Damper (Factor-2), Armoured Hull (Factor-4)

4 50.000 ton LB101 Cutters (Crew of 2, Cost of MCr 10.300)

3,265 Tons Fuel (3 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant

158 Staterooms, 32 Low Berths, 2 Engineering Shops, 2 Vehicle Shops, 8 Laboratories, 2 Sick Bays, 100 Tons of Missile Magazines (holding 2000 missiles), 20 Middle Passengers, 32 Low Passengers, 144.800 Tons Cargo

1 Fleet Command Centre (60.000 tons, Crew 12, 10.000 Energy Points, Cost MCr 50.000)

MCr 5,928.510 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 58.698), MCr 4,695.850 in Quantity, plus MCr 41.200 of Carried Craft (Hardpoints and Turrets charged)

156 Weeks Singly, 125 Weeks in Quantity

Sometimes disparagingly referred to as the "largest frigate in the Imperial Navy", the aged Armstrong class is often criticised as an example of an expensive white elephant. Curiously the description is not without merit; the Armstrong would have been a liability in the battleline even when it was first designed and the class has been dogged with controversy and scandal during their long history.

The Armstrong was originally intended for patrol and escort duties in the troubled aftermath of the Civil War. At that time the much of the Imperium was plagued by lawlessness and piracy, often conducted by renegade elements of the various defeated Imperial contenders, equipped with fully fledged warships up to cruiser size. It was in this environment that the Armstrong was designed.

The basic philosophy behind the design was to overwhelm anything up to destroyer size or to present sufficient threat to larger opponents as to force them to flee. And for this role, they are admirably suited and performed sterling service during those tempestuous times. What is perhaps puzzling is their continued retention some 300 years later.

The explanation for this is somewhat convoluted. The class was produced in considerable numbers (in excess of 500 examples were built over a period of nearly 80 years) and when their original role came to an end, many remained in service with considerable life left in them. The Admiralty as always was reluctant to waste the money invested and searched for a new role. It was noted that the class had excellent habitability and good endurance. In their original configuration they were capable of lifting an entire Marine strike force allowing ample space for modifications.

It was eventually decided that the class be designated "Frontier Cruisers" and employed on scientific cruises and in the training of cadets; and the entire surviving class duly modified. However, there were still over 300 in existence at that time and even after many were transferred to the IISS, their numbers still far exceeded requirements. Consequently, after considerable sums had been expended on refitting, most of the class was placed in ordinary awaiting some useful role that never eventuated (the resultant scandal in the Moot ended a number of senior officers careers).

Eventually, those in active service reached the end of their useful lives and needed replacing. The class had proved highly successful in their new role. The ample accommodations left from their former role allowed unprecedented levels of habitability (each crewmember has an individual stateroom with senior officers having double sized staterooms). Their extensive scientific facilities had made them very popular with the academic community and many senior naval officers now felt a sentimental attachment to them. As a result it was decided to replace those that reached retirement with "new" examples taken from the stocks laid up.

Thus the class has remained in service far beyond its normal expected lifetime. Normally between 20 and 30 examples are in service at any one time (one or two per naval depot), the class is now believed to be reaching the end of its lengthy career and some discussion is being heard as to what will eventually replace them. Still, there is still at least one Armstrong per sector and it is reasonable to expect that the class will remain a feature of the fleet for some time to come.

Ship: LB101
Class: LB101
Type: Cutter
Architect: Andrew Moffatt-Vallance
Tech Level: 13

YC-0602111-000000-00000-0 MCr 12.875 50 Tons
Bat Bear Crew: 1
Bat TL: 13

Cargo: 26 Fuel: 1.500 EP: 1.500 Agility: 0
Fuel Treatment: Fuel Scoops

Architects Fee: MCr 0.129 Cost in Quantity: MCr 10.300

Detailed Description
(T20 Design)

50.000 tons standard, 700.000 cubic meters, Flattened Sphere Configuration, 75.000 Structure Points


Jump-0, 2G Manuever, 1.500 Ton Power Plant, 1.500 EP, Agility 0

Bridge, Model/1 Computer, Model/1 Flight Avionics, Model/1 Sensors, Model/1 Communications





1.500 Tons Fuel (0 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, No Fuel Purification Plant

17 Acceleration Couches, 26 Tons Cargo


MCr 13.004 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 0.129), MCr 10.300 in Quantity (Hardpoints and Turrets charged)

24 Weeks Singly, 19 Weeks in Quantity