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Ship conversions?

Has anyone done any conversion of ships from the Babylon 5 universe to T20[or any other flavor of traveller ?] :rolleyes:
Well, as I have done with the Star Wars ships, I have built a block model of the Starfury and it weighs in at 14.2 dTons. Using Far Trader's custom rules (see the Star Wars meets Traveller thread in the Lone Star) it should be a simple matter to run up some stats for it.
If you can give me a day or so, I should be able to get dTon volumes for an Omega Destroyer and B5 itself.

Originally posted by Scarecrow:

If you can give me a day or so, I should be able to get dTon volumes for an Omega Destroyer and B5 itself.

A day or two ?

Of all people, it should only take you a second or two ;)

Well, usually yes, but my time has been severely limited recently by the arrival of my baby daughter. Plus it was about 11 pm when I wrote it!

Which ship do you need? Some would be quite easy to convert (most of them, though I don't know how to model the famous Minbari sensor-cloak), some would be quite a challange (anything organic).
The more primative races such as the Narn,Drazi or Earth Alliance would be the easiest to model.While a race like the Drazi, with smaller ships than the other power's,might have some potential as a PC's ship[something like a warbird with a catapult would be interesting].