I'm rather fond of pods myself, but I think they would require some special rules to make them work in game. Consider:
1000 ton pod launch facility, comprised of:
* 6 launch tubes for 25 ton pods
* extensive fire control and electronics suite to control the pods
* hardware to move and launch the pods
* 700 tons of magazine space to hold about 24 pods.
If you assume that missile bays are mostly magazine space, then its reasonable to assume that a 25 ton pod could hold about 3 shots of ship killers (say the same attack factor as a 50 ton bay at the same TL). If you allow the pods to ripplefire their entire loadout at once, then each pod is worth about three missile bays.
Our six tube launcher is then able to sustain a rate of fire equivalent to 18 x 50 ton missile bays. (at least until it runs out of pods.)
The same 1000 ton space of hull could have been used to mount 20 x 50 ton missile bays.
Where the benefit comes into play is when you deal with batteries bearing. Its safe to assume that all pods in play have bearing. It is not safe to assume the same thing with the bays. To mount 20 missile bays, you have to have at least 20,000 tons of ship. (And then you've pretty much got only missiles.) IIRC, that means that only 80% of your batteries bear (about 16 "tubes").
The other benefit comes in if you allow your pods to be "seeded" before your fire control passes the order to launch. If you program a double salvo of pods in the launch, you would have 36 launchers instead of 18, but you have to do it over two turns. Not bad, but not sustainable either.
In HH, the tech of the ships restricted the firing arcs to pretty much just the sides of the ships. The pods allowed them to get around this limitation by moving a disposable launcher outside the hull. Traveller has no such restriction, and will therefore make pods a bit more difficult to make tactically viable.
Traveller also doesn't have tractor beams, so your pods have to be semi-autonomous, and would function more like CAPTOR mines than like towed arrays. Which means that without using cables, you can't tow your pods.
What pods might be useful for is the CAPTOR mine concept. These things would be God Awful for area denial weapons.