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Service Class Missing Feats?


I noticed that in the Errata they added the PMOS feat to the service classes.

However, PMOS requires Weapon Focus and none of the service classes have Weapon Focus as a class feat. So either that was missed as well or you are supposed to take it as a non-related feat.

Currently, I am treating it as missing. Anybody know otherwise?
And here I thought PMOS was skill related, not weapon related.

Page 108, THB
The Character was highly trained in one specific skill while he or she was in the military.

Prerequisites: Skill Rank 5+, Skill FOcus Feat in the specified skill

Benefit: Select one skill as PMOS. Whenever using the skill, the character may always elect to Take 10, even in situations where they normally could not.

Special: May only be taken once.
The only weapon related skill is Gunnery. (And this feat is one reason that IMTU gunnery is not a skill.) Then you would need Skill Focus (Gunnery), not Weapon Focus (Ship's Lasers). Further these are feats not skills, so while you couldn't take one as a bonus class feat, if it isn't listed, you could, however, take a skill focus as one of your Character Level Feats.
That's what I get for posting from work. I meant that it required skill focus but that none of the service classes have skill focus.
Originally posted by Yinkin:
That's what I get for posting from work. I meant that it required skill focus but that none of the service classes have skill focus.
But unlike skills feats are not required to be from a class list. (Though the bonus class level feats are required to be from the list.)

For example, a Scout looking to be a hotshot pilot. (Gunning for Ace Pilot, but I don't, as the Referee, allow Prestige classes during Prior History.)

So this Scout is planning on picking up PMOS Pilot. Level 1, 3 ranks Pilot, among other skills. For his Feats, Ship's Tactics (Scout Bonus Feat), Brawling, and Skill Focus Pilot (1st Level Character Feats, 2 because it is a human.). At the end of the first term, he has 5,000 XP. Now 3rd Level, Pilot skill can be raised to 5 ranks, gaining a character level skill at level 3 and a bonus feat at Class level 2. 2nd Term he gains an additional 6,000 XP. This puts our intrepid scout at 5th level, gaining an ability increase at 4th level and an additional character level feat at 5th level, and a bonus feat at 5th level. This bonus feat could be PMOS (Pilot).