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"Serenity" now!


SOC-14 1K
or at least next week.

I just found an announcement on the Browncoats website for advance screenings of an unfinished cut of "Serenity" in 10 cities on May 5. One of those cities is Austin, which is just an hour south of where I live. I've already bought a ticket for it. I'm sooooo psyched! :cool:

Here's the link for more info: Can't Stop the Signal
Paraquat, please let us know what it is like.

But no spoilers :eek:
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
Paraquat, please let us know what it is like.

But no spoilers :eek:
Roger that.

All the showings have sold out. Apparently sometime after I posted the link above and before 5:30 a.m. CDT, Joss sent out a mass e-mail to Browncoats registered members informing them about the screenings. The screenings sold out quickly after that.
I will post more on it later, when I have more time, but for now let's just say that "Serenity" rocks! It exceeded my high expectations. I don't care if Anakin ever turns into Darth, now.
Originally posted by thrash:

Really, when was the last time you left a movie theater thinking, "I have to see that again. I'm not going to wait for DVD. I'm going to pay $9 a shot -- for each of my family -- to see that film over and over while it's still on the big screen."?

Magnificent. Truly, simply magnificent.
For me, not since the first LotR movie.
Well, the trailer looks fab. Interesting how that, now they have a budget, it's a lot more Star Wars and a lot less Western.
Plus they use Kasabian. I love that song.

Sorry about that troops! I stumbled across the trailer and got a little anxious. I have the Serenity in flight as my wallpaper and was playing my Serenity DVDs the other day and went looking for some info on this series. To my surprise what I thought had been a rumor was announced as a soon-to-be-released movie.

No more playing Port Royale 2 on my PC and substituting various ports-of-call as planets and playing Traveller-like trader as I bought and sold products between ports. Shows how desperate I am for a good trading game with a minimum of combat. Oh well!
Does anyone know if the Serenity HD trailer is any different besides being in HD? It's not currently on the apple site anymore it seems but it's still on the Serenity movie site.

I'm not going to invest in a new Mac just to see a trailer.
Hm. Gotta admit, those tracks don't really sound very inspiring. Where's the lone violins?
Apparently Firefly is coming back to TV starting this Friday on the Sci-Fi channel. The trailers for the TV series started appearing this last Friday but I assume that these will be the original episodes. They must be trying to stir up interest in the upcoming movie in September. Right? I haven't checked the various web sites but I don't believe there were any episodes not seen on TV or on the four-DVD set. Still ...... it's a start. Maybe interest will get them to go back and start pumping out some new episodes.
The Word from Whedon and Fox is there will be No New Episodes, All will be done in Movies from Now on. Depending, of course, on how the release of Serenity goes, If there will even be any more Movies.

Originally posted by Loki:
Apparently Firefly is coming back to TV starting this Friday on the Sci-Fi channel. The trailers for the TV series started appearing this last Friday but I assume that these will be the original episodes. They must be trying to stir up interest in the upcoming movie in September. Right? I haven't checked the various web sites but I don't believe there were any episodes not seen on TV or on the four-DVD set. Still ...... it's a start. Maybe interest will get them to go back and start pumping out some new episodes.