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Semper Fi



Class: Augmented Armour
Cost: Cr114,174
Tech Level: 15
Size: Medium
Streamlining: Standard
Pressurised? Yes
Climate Control? Yes
Drivetrain: Legged (2)
Crew: 1
Cargo Space: 10vl
Fuel: None (Advanced Battery)
Range: 171 hours on full power
Acceleration = 3kph (15kph max)
Maximum Speed = 30kph
Acceleration = 12kph (48kph max)
Maximum Speed = 125kph
EP Output:
Agility: 5 (Ground), 4 (Air)
Initiative: +5 (+5 Agility)
AC: 30 (+15 Armour, +5 Agility, -1 Size)
AR: 15
SI: 20
Visual: Holovid (1.5km), Infrared, Light Intensification
Sensors: Auditory (50m), Tactile
Comm: Radio 2-way (50km)
Other Equipment: 2 Appendages (STR 25/+7, DEX 15/+2)

Component Size Cost Ep
Chassis -250 250 -
Controls 110 2750 -
TL 15 Armour (AR15) 40 3360 -
Pressurised 12.5 312.5 0.3125
Climate Control 2.5 125 0.025
Chameleon 5000 -
Drive Train, Legged (2) 21 2250 0.5
Appendage (Str 25, Dex15) 12.5 37500 2.5
Tactile Sensors 1 3000 0.2
Appendage (Str 25, Dex15) 12.5 37500 2.5
Tactile Sensors 1 3000 0.2
HoloVid Visual 2.9 30000 0.24
Display 0.1 500 0.05
LI 0.2 500 0.03
IR 1 1500 0.01
Auditory Sensors (50m) 0.2 200 0.01
Radio 2-way (50km) 1 150 0.04
Gravs 1.2 13800 0.3
Advanced Batteries 20.4 1020
Cargo 10
Can't seem to get the darned formatting to work right. Oh well.

The previous was my take on Imperial Marine Battledress.

John Robertson
Originally posted by Libris:
Can't seem to get the darned formatting to work right. Oh well.
When trying to display tables use the CODE tags. They use the HTML PRE tags and fix format the text. For Example:
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">Component Size Cost Ep
Chassis -250 250 -
Controls 110 2750 -
TL 15 Armour (AR15) 40 3360 -
Pressurised 12.5 312.5 0.3125
Climate Control 2.5 125 0.025</pre>[/QUOTE]Otherwise this looks great.

Might suggest adding a computer. Targeting, auto pilot, medical skill.

A TL15 50CPU miniaturized, hardwired system takes up 0.405vl and uses 0.027EP.

Programmed with Low Basic Logic, Limited Verbal Command, Predict, Library Data (Military) and Weapon Systems it costs Cr13,200 (including 20% deduction).

Skill programs get expensive real quick so I'm not sure if they would be appropriate but I'm going to have a closer look at it.
Trader Jim has just the thing for this new style Battle Armor....Trader Jims For Ever Battery...Made with fresh crushed Vorpal Bunnie Pellets and soaked in Coffee Juice....will put out a charge for 12 years!!!!....Honest...you can Trust Trader Jim!!!..... :eek:
Originally posted by trader jim:
Trader Jim has just the thing for this new style Battle Armor....Trader Jims For Ever Battery...Made with fresh crushed Vorpal Bunnie Pellets and soaked in Coffee Juice....will put out a charge for 12 years!!!!....Honest...you can Trust Trader Jim!!!..... :eek:
So it runs on Bunnie poop? :rolleyes:

Does it stink up the place like a diesel bus?
:D ;)
It now Looks like some one has purchased 7,000 of these new Battle armor suits...who could it be and why???.....some have been SCALED DOWN!!!!....
could even fit Battle Bunnies and Mice!!!..... :eek: :eek:
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
7000 suits at 114Kcr roughly = 7.728Bcr. Thats some payroll... :rolleyes: ;)
ummm... Liam

I did the math. I came out with

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> 114,000
X 7,000
798,000,000Cr = 798MCr</pre>[/QUOTE]Still that's peanuts compare to the grant budget. :rolleyes: