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Seeking 1000-dton Medical Frigate stats...


SOC-14 1K
Good morning, All,

I'm seeking 1000-dton Medical Frigate stats, in any system, canonical or otherwise. My players are getting close to finding a ship of this description, and so I must prepare the actual stats.

Although I am running the game in T20, I can convert from most popular Traveller starship design methods, so if you have a suggestion that is in another system, I can translate.

Thanks in advance for any assistance in this area,
Since I picture this vessel being used during the Rebellion Era, I'd say TL15, although I can see building it at TL14 as a Solomani Rim War vessel pushed into service during the Rebellion Era after being pulled out of the mothball fleet.

One possible quick and dirty option is and X-boat tender conversion. The other thread on disaster relief has a few people opinioning the Scout Service as a major provider of medical style humanitarian aid. Might not have the legs you want though. Has T20 done up the Tender?
I've submitted one for the Gateway starships submissions back in December of 2002 (and resubmitted an update to Martin a year ago, methinks.) I think someone touched on it in a recent EA release (probably Michael Taylor). But overall, I don't know if one has been officially released or not, no.

But I have my version, which I can morph if no one else has any work done in this direction.

This ship was produced using the Classic Traveller Utility by Stephen S. Koo

Medical/Rescue Ship Succor Scout Service Aid and Relief Corps Hull #SQ-33667
(Shelter class)

The Succor is based on a 1000T hull. It mounts jump drive K, maneuver drive K, and power plant K, giving a performance of jump-2 and 2-G acceleration. Fuel tankage for 440 tons supports the power plant allowing for 2 jump-2 and 8 weeks of operation. Adjacent to the bridge is a computer Model/3.
The ship has the following accommodations:
23 stateroom(s)
13 Surgical/critical care suites
50 Advanced life support couches in two wards
50 medical low berth(s)
No weapons are fitted.
There are 7 ship's vehicles:
2 launch(s)
5 ambulances (speeders)
Cargo capacity is 108 tons. The hull is streamlined.

The Succor requires a minimum crew of 10:
1 commanding officer
1 executive officer
3 administrative personnel
1 pilot
1 navigator
3 engineer(s)

Medical crew
8 Surgeons (medic 3+)
12 Medics (medical 2+)
10 Medical robots

The ship costs MCr407.25 (not including discounts and fees) and takes 27 months to build.
Very cool. Keep 'em coming!

BTW, what are the stats of the Medical robots you mention?

Eh . . .Supplement "T20"? I looked through my LBBs but did not find any T20. Perhaps it is in one of the old JTAS issues . . .kids and their new-fangled dagbalsted . . .In my day. . . . (mutters indistinctly and crawls back into his dark, deep, hole)
T20... it's what all the new kids are playing with, when they aren't busy playing CT. ;)

What system are you using for the robots? Book 8? The old JTAS articles? The old Dragon magazine article? Or something more recent?

OK time to fess up, I am a lazy ref. For non-combat robots I never really constructed them with the rules. When I do try I use Book 8.

This is my standard Medical Tech 15 robot.
The EMR-XV represents the state of the art in emergency medicine. A full suite of medical sensors,, built-in medical equipment and Parallel/Synaptic brain allow this robot to out perform its rivals. Gravitc propulsion means that it can go anywhere any time.

Spherical chassis 65cm in diameter
Light duty gravitic propulsion
High autonomous Parallel/Synaptic brain
Software: Full Command, Human Medical-3, Hiver Medical-3 Linguistics-3, Rescue-3, Electronics -3, Mechanical-3, emotion simulation-1 (bedside manner)
Fuel cell good for 9 hours of continuous operation
Four precision robotic arms with six, triple jointed fingers on each
High resolution holographic imager with up to 1000x magnification
Scanning electron microscope
MRI imager
Neutrino sensor
Active Infrared scanner
Ultrasound imager
Extra sensitive touch sensor
Extra Sensitive olfactory sensor
Extra sensitive audio sensor

Advanced medical instrument package
Standard surgical instruments (external stowage available)
Mini pharmacy (15 standard drugs)
This is a ship I got by converting a HG design of mine to T20 with HGSBeta 1.14, hope it works.
The ship is constructed along a central, cylinder-shaped strut, with a roughly bullet-shaped command section at the front, a large central cylinder-shaped section containing the sickbays, accommodations and small craft in the middle, and a boxy engineering section aft.
The "Medical Launches" are basically lifeboats, equipped to carry patients in a state of emergency cold sleep if necessary.




Pasteur Class Medical Frigate (FM)

Detailed Description
(T20 Design)

1,000.000 tons standard, 14,000.000 cubic meters, Close Structure Configuration

Pilot, Navigator, 6 Engineers, 6 Medics, 6 Gunners, 3 Flight Crew

Jump-4, 3G Manuever, 47.000 Ton Power Plant, 94.000 EP, Agility 3

Bridge, Model/9fib Computer, Model/2 Flight Avionics, Model/9 Sensors, Model/9 Communications

10 Hardpoints

4 Triple Missile Turrets organised into 2 Batteries (Factor-4), 4 Triple Beam Laser Turrets organised into 2 Batteries (Factor-5)

2 Triple Sandcaster Turrets organised into 2 Batteries (Factor-4)

3 20.000 ton Medical Launchs (Crew of 1, Cost of MCr 6.800)

447 Tons Fuel (4 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant

22 Staterooms, 10 Low Berths, 10 Emergency Low Berths, 1 Laboratory, 12 Sick Bays, 12 Autodocs, 1 Additional Airlock, 10 Middle Passengers, 10 Low Passengers, 32.600 Tons Cargo


MCr 897.683 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 8.888), MCr 711.036 in Quantity, plus MCr 20.400 of Carried Craft (Hardpoints and Turrets charged)

120 Weeks Singly, 96 Weeks in Quantity
Originally posted by Tobias:
This is a ship I got by converting a HG design of mine to T20 with HGSBeta 1.14, hope it works.
The ship is constructed along a central, cylinder-shaped strut, with a roughly bullet-shaped command section at the front, a large central cylinder-shaped section containing the sickbays, accommodations and small craft in the middle, and a boxy engineering section aft.
The "Medical Launches" are basically lifeboats, equipped to carry patients in a state of emergency cold sleep if necessary.




Pasteur Class Medical Frigate (FM)

Detailed Description
(T20 Design)

1,000.000 tons standard, 14,000.000 cubic meters, Close Structure Configuration

Pilot, Navigator, 6 Engineers, 6 Medics, 6 Gunners, 3 Flight Crew

Jump-4, 3G Manuever, 47.000 Ton Power Plant, 94.000 EP, Agility 3

Bridge, Model/9fib Computer, Model/2 Flight Avionics, Model/9 Sensors, Model/9 Communications

10 Hardpoints

4 Triple Missile Turrets organised into 2 Batteries (Factor-4), 4 Triple Beam Laser Turrets organised into 2 Batteries (Factor-5)

2 Triple Sandcaster Turrets organised into 2 Batteries (Factor-4)

3 20.000 ton Medical Launchs (Crew of 1, Cost of MCr 6.800)

447 Tons Fuel (4 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant

22 Staterooms, 10 Low Berths, 10 Emergency Low Berths, 1 Laboratory, 12 Sick Bays, 12 Autodocs, 1 Additional Airlock, 10 Middle Passengers, 10 Low Passengers, 32.600 Tons Cargo


MCr 897.683 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 8.888), MCr 711.036 in Quantity, plus MCr 20.400 of Carried Craft (Hardpoints and Turrets charged)

120 Weeks Singly, 96 Weeks in Quantity
Ummm...I don't see a tech level listed?
This is something more in line performance-wise with what I'd see being used as a Medical Frigate during the Rebellion Era. The higher jump range is good, though you could probably cut the manuever down to 2-G and make more room for casualties and such.

It probably should have at least one hanger for a 100-ton CFR emergency response vessel. (Idea stolen from GT: Starports.)

So, how would modifying the above to reflect J4/M2, with a 100ton CFR vessel, impact this design?

Here you go. I just ditched some of the agility as well as one G of acceleration. I also removed one of the medical launches and shifted the 10 additional Mid Passenger staterooms I had originally planned for recuperating patients to double (crew) occupancy. So I had enough room for the

TL is 15, btw. Forgot to copy and paste that section in the first post ;;^_^

Further notes:
- I just incorporated some Errata concerning autodocs, which reduced the price and increased cargo space.
- The 6 "Medics" are supposed to be doctors. Subordinate medic duties are supposed to be done by robots such as the one posted above.
- The ship is designed to offer a spectrum of medical treatments ranging from the lightly wounded, who are treated and then transferred to normal accomodations, those who require constant medical attention and finally those grave cases who are placed in cold sleep (the berths are designed to be transported under power, with a patient in them) and brought to specialist hospitals where their injuries are treated.



Ship: Pasteur
Class: Pasteur
Type: Medical Frigate
Architect: Tobias
Tech Level: 15

Detailed Description
(T20 Design)

1,000.000 tons standard, 14,000.000 cubic meters, Close Structure Configuration

Pilot, Navigator, 4 Engineers, 6 Medics, 6 Gunners, 4 Flight Crew, 10 Rehab Patients

Jump-4, 2G Manuever, 30.000 Ton Power Plant, 60.000 EP, Agility 1

Bridge, Model/9fib Computer, Model/2 Flight Avionics, Model/9 Sensors, Model/9 Communications

10 Hardpoints

4 Triple Missile Turrets organised into 2 Batteries (Factor-4), 4 Triple Beam Laser Turrets organised into 2 Batteries (Factor-5)

2 Triple Sandcaster Turrets organised into 2 Batteries (Factor-4)

2 20.000 ton Medical Launchs (Crew of 1, Cost of MCr 6.800), 1 100.000 ton CFR Response Vessel (Crew of 2, Cost of MCr 50.000)

430 Tons Fuel (4 parsecs jump and 28 days endurance)
On Board Fuel Scoops, On Board Fuel Purification Plant

16 Staterooms, 10 Low Berths, 10 Emergency Low Berths, 1 Laboratory, 12 Sick Bays, 12 Autodocs, 1 Additional Airlock, 10 Low Passengers, 48.600 Tons Cargo


MCr 729.195 Singly (incl. Architects fees of MCr 7.220), MCr 577.580 in Quantity, plus MCr 63.600 of Carried Craft (Hardpoints and Turrets charged)

120 Weeks Singly, 96 Weeks in Quantity
As a practical matter, the ship should also have an empty docking port for whatever the most common subcraft in the fleet is. If your prefered fleet uses Gigs as lifeboats and general transfer craft, then the hospital ship should have at least one docking port that will take a Gig, and maybe more. It doesn't *carry* a Gig normally. The port is there for the same reason hospitals have a door specifically for ambulances...

Some systems support the idea, some don't.
Another thing to consider is how many autodoc/sickbays to install compared with emergency low berths.

Would a hospital ship be equipped with extensive surgical facilities, or just the bare bones - enough to stabilise the patient before transfer to a low berth for the trip to more extensive facilities?

What sort of spare body parts - prosthetic of otherwise - would be carried on board?
a 1000 dton j4 boat starts running out of space real fast. after installing a gig, a minimal medical facility and ICU, a few low berths, and berthing for the medical/rescue staff there's not much room for anything else, especially on a deck plan.

1000 dtons is about the right size for a mobile medical missionary expedition. 4000 dtons is the minimum for an actual hospital frigate. imtu the naval hospital ships are 19,000 dtons.