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Sector maps on this website


Just pulled down one of the sector map pdf files in the electronic library section, Ley sector to be specific. Looks wonderful, I'm printing it now. I do have a couple questions for the author of the maps and/or the Gateway sourcebook though, if such can be answered now:

1) Do the maps work with the UPP data given on the COTI website at the time of this posting?

2) I noted that the Ley sector map doesn't have X-Boat routes on it. Is this intentional, is Ley sector off of the network for some odd reason, or are they still yet to be determined as of this posting?

3) I was looking at the sector names, some seem to be the old Judge's Guild sector names for Ley Sector. No problem with that, other then I noted that subsector "L" is Sydymic, which was a subsector sized empire in the Judge's Guild Ley sector, if memory serves me right. Was this old empire translated into canon, or is this left over from the old Ley sector? I do know that the Judge's Guild world of Sopator and the present canon world of Khurr/Sopator are completly different, so I presume the answer is "no", but I did want to ask.

Forgive me if someone's already asked this in another spot on these boards, or if you just can't answer such at this time.
None of the subsector maps seem to have X-boat routes on...

What does it mean when a world is coloured in yellow? It's not in the key.
Hi there,

I can't speak for the content of the Gateway book, but the maps are my doing, so I can answer questions on them.

First Cleon's:

1) Do the maps work with the UPP data given on the COTI website at the time of this posting?
Nope - there are some differences. The maps were created using the versions of the world UWPs in the Gateway book.

2) I noted that the Ley sector map doesn't have X-Boat routes on it. Is this intentional, is Ley sector off of the network for some odd reason, or are they still yet to be determined as of this posting?
I can add them once they become availible to me (I'll ask MJD). I didn't have them at the time.

And for the Evil Dr:

What does it mean when a world is coloured in yellow? It's not in the key.
Oops. My goof. Worlds with no water present. Should have been black (though I am thinking dark grey would be better). Most of the stuff is linked to the key for colour properties (CC2 for those who know it), but for some reason this isn't. I'm gonna do an updated version with some corrections (and the x-boat routes if I can get them from Martin), so I'll make this change then.

Any other mistakes or requests for changed please let me know and when I knock up new maps I'll incorporate as many as I can, then ask Hunter to replace the posted ones with the new ones.


These look great!! And I was getting ready to do something similar to help prepare some freelance stuff for the Starfall cluster book - perfect timing!!

I love the fact that they are BLANK - no x-boat routes nor Trade Routes. I know that others would like this info, but IMO, having a blank star map to give players is much more conducive to mis-adventures than giving them a map with all the answer's already on it.

One suggestion (and this is for the QLI folks too) - why not make an electronic product out of these maps (and the assosicated sub-sector maps) into a nice bundle.

One of my favorite RPG tools is the Forgotten Realms Electronic Atlas - why not something similar but for the Gateway domain (or heck, lets be ambitious and go for the entire Imperium). The coding is minimal - it could be as simple as an HTML page with the maps appearing as hi-res jpegs and links to zoom in or out, or move to adjacent regions. If you want to get REAL fancy, then have links for X-boat routes and/or trade routes - all these do is jump to alternate images with these features showing. Clever folks will know how to print those jpeg files, and for those who don't you could always render a pdf version (like the ones provided).

Bundle all this together in a nice file arrangement, and I bet you could sell it for $5-$10 for a Gateway e-tool (from the web-site), or if QLI is feeling generous, make it a web-enhancement for those who buy the Gateway book.

If you go for an Imperium wide type project, I bet you could get at least $20-25 for such an animal - maybe more. Add text files of all the source data, and now you are talking about a true 21st century edition of the "Atlas of the Imperium" and could command some serious green.

Maybe just post each domain as you get it finished as an add-on (use the Gateway domain as an example since it is already public-domain). This would spread out the work and allow those people who just need their little region of space to purchase that and nothing else. Charge $3 for each set.

Either way, Shane should definitely get something for his efforts - a nice bonus to his SOC if nothing else. Good work!!!
I'd go so far as to at least make him SOC wise a Noble/ Imperial Citizen or somesuch.(always proud to see a heretic succeed<sniff, sniff>/ wipes teary eyed look off).

Marketing fer an Imperiumwide...well I'll be buyin such an animal when it comes lad, to be sure!

WAY TO GO SHANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!