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Salamander Far Trader from Epic Adv. 1


One bit of errata on this -- looks like I used an overhead hatch in the dorsal turret. That should, of course, be a deck hatch.
Originally posted by Egapillar:
Is this the scarab like far trader you have on your website?
Egapiller -- If you pick up the adventure and get the urge, I'd love to see a 3D image of it. I think you'll like the googly-eye look that it has.
I'll have to think about that. How many sets of deckplans are in that adventure? I am not actually doing any playing. I am mostly having fun taking the old deckplans and trying to fit them into realistic 3-D models. (some are easy and some are hard). I am finding it much more interesting to work with existing deckplans than to create my own.
Originally posted by Egapillar:
How many sets of deckplans are in that adventure?
Two. The 200ton Far-Trader mentioned above and a flattened disc 130ton Sword-Worlds Blockade Runner.
Originally posted by far-trader:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Egapillar:
How many sets of deckplans are in that adventure?
Two. The 200ton Far-Trader mentioned above and a flattened disc 130ton Sword-Worlds Blockade Runner. </font>[/QUOTE]Hunter should mention that in the product write up. I'm sure there are a few people like me who will buy it just for the deck plans. 2 deck plans for $5 is very reasonable.
I asked hunter and he said I could link to the external views for the Salamander -- they're at http://www.sff.net/people/kitsune/traveller/temp/salamanderprofile.png It says Locust class there. The ship started out that way but I liked Salamander better (given it's appearance) so I changed the class name.

Full deckplans for the Salamander and for a Sword Worlds Blockade Runner are in the Golden Age Epic Adventure "The Forgotten War" available at http://www.travellerrpg.com/cgi-bin/catalog/pview.pl?action=view&stocknum=ea1001&h=header_catalog&s=

The two outboard cargo bays (28 dtons each) are demountable with a day or so of work at a starport and without them it will just barely do jump 3 -- pretty much arriving with dry tanks. Of course, getting replacement holds might be a problem as unattached ones are not nearly as common as cutter modules.

OTOH being able to drop 56 dtons of prefab base somewhere might be handy.

Basic 3-views at 50%:



At the risk of sounding clichéd, love your work. I just must say the cross section view really helps define the feel and layout for this ship. Thanks from a dedicated lurker (just ask my PO.)
Thanks Burocrate and Flykiller. :cool:

Originally posted by Savage:
Cool but a day to detach a cargo unit...how about an hour!
Well, I figure this isn't just a matter of throwing a lever and pushing a button. The bays are structurally tied into the ship and demounting them probably takes at least an hour or two per join -- hence four to eight hours of work, if everything goes well. I guess if you put more people onto it you could reduce the time.

Also, there are no landing pads built into the cargo bays so you'll need to provide some kind of foundation/support or lower them with a crane or grav lifters or jacks or something.

And it adds a little color to the design IMHO. Remember the Microsloth motto: "It's not a bug, it's a feature!"


Note that another "feature" is the overhead cargo hatches on the outboard bays. When the Salamander is floating in water/liquid, the upper surface of the cargo bays is 1-1.5 meters above the water -- not too bad, except that if you're loading heavy cargo there is the possibility of flooding the cargo bays if you're not careful.

Gotta give the GM something to work with. :D

You are not making it easy, are you? Any chance you can through some dimensions on those sketches? Overlaying a grid will be fine. Making the grid 1 or 2 meters would be easier than 1.5
Originally posted by Egapillar-:
You are not making it easy, are you? Any chance you can through some dimensions on those sketches? Overlaying a grid will be fine. Making the grid 1 or 2 meters would be easier than 1.5
I'll put something together today.

The ship is 36m long, 22.5m wide across the outriggers, and 7.5m tall. The flattened sphere in front is 12m across. The central cargo and air/raft bay is 6m wide, and about 12.5m long. The outboard cargo bays are about 22.5m long, 3m thick, 6.75m wide. The bridge bubble is 3.25m across and the turrets are 2.45m across. Everything is precisely to scale (I use CC2 now) so you should be able to calculate anything else given the known dimensions.

Does that help? :cool:
Originally posted by Egapillar-:
Ok, here they are. Critique Away
Looks nice, Egapillar. I think join of the main body and the upper surface of the wings needs move up more -- about half way between the dorsal surface of the ship and where they are now.

Hrm...I think what it is is that the join between the wing and body is too abrupt. It should flow from body to wing without a definite join line -- look at the top view again. Fillet the wing into the body all the way around and I think that should do it.