• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

Sacramento, California and area

Why didn't you message me? I've been looking for ages....by the way, how's the therapy doing? still frustrated about typing one handed?...

(yup its me....)
Originally posted by Horatius:
I have a T20 game I'm running on sunday afternoons.

(Incidentally, how's the Fantasy Hero game going, Grym?)
fantasy games done and gone (with only two others and myself it wasn't sustainable)

Between the stess of looking for work (and how am i gonna pay bills), trying to make an interesting game senerio (on time and able to keep everyone engaged) proved to much....

all gaming is over...done...finis...I could play, but not run untill things get better.
Tell you what...
If Grymlocke and/or Major Vanderhawk want to get intouch with me, maybe we can set something up. I'm getting ready to begin the rebellion if that's what you're interested in. (With NO FREAKIN' VIRUS. well, maybe as a threat...)
Originally posted by Horatius:
Tell you what...
If Grymlocke and/or Major Vanderhawk want to get intouch with me, maybe we can set something up. I'm getting ready to begin the rebellion if that's what you're interested in. (With NO FREAKIN' VIRUS. well, maybe as a threat...)
I see you and jim are both auburn hill people...
I always hated virus, not too thrilled with the TNE's mechanic either, but I can adapt (if that's what you use)...

I'm game...
if we can work something out......

i am game!!!!!!!!