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Sacramento, Ca,Players???????

trader jim

SOC-14 1K
Any Sacramento, Ca, players out there????? We need more players, will play any Traveller System.
Have Books - Will Travel!!!!!

Nurdboy..you still out there?????
I was wondering what happened to you.....you still got that funky work schedule?....me, I'm in the middle of moving into my own place (YES !, NO MORE APARTMENTS !!!!) should be in by X-mas.

I still want to play....
hey jim, I'm in my own place now...living out of boxes, but i'm in !!!

and back on-line.......neenur,neenur,neenur


Hey Trader Jim -

I'm now working in Sacramento, so getting together maybe one night a month might be realistic. Where in town are you (I work in Rancho Cordova, until April, then we move over to North Natomas)?
Hi - I live off Greenback and Diablo - in that area - But it doesnt matter if you want to get togather for a game i would drive. It would have to be on sat or sun...my week schedual is realy screwed up now, maybe we could meet somewhere???
Hmmmphf. I live in the East Bay, so I don't get up to Sacto on the weekends. I'd nevertheless be happy to get together and just shoot the breeze some night... work out a game later on.
[This is a copy of the intial post on the new topic I created..thought you guys would be interested. - Sal]

I wanted to give a heads up that I will be recruiting players in the northern cal area (Sacramento/ Napa/ Sonoma) soon. I am resurrecting traveller after a 20 year sabattical. I plan on using the 'salad bar' rules method- grabbing things from multiple rulessets and even home brew stuff.
Tentaively, I am will be using the dreaded T4/T5 task system with its less-dreaded chargen system, the Mileu-0 universe, and plenty of elements from MT for added realism.
I give a detailed reason why I like the T4/T5 task system in the T4 forum but if there is a lot of objection, I am open to other task systems. I am guessing, though, that if you refused to play because of the T4 task system you probably wouldn't enjoy my game and probably place too much emphasis on game mechanics as opposed to role playing.
My goal is to use published resources, heavily supplemented by creativety and generously enhanced with visual and audio flair.
Depending on players preference we would be meeting in either fairfield or sonoma county.
I need a core group of 4 regular players (once per month or so) to get this off the ground.
Feel free to reply with your interest.
Originally posted by trader jim:
Hi - I live off Greenback and Diablo - in that area - But it doesnt matter if you want to get togather for a game i would drive. It would have to be on sat or sun...my week schedual is realy screwed up now, maybe we could meet somewhere???
hey jim, i'm out by McClullen Park (former AFB), still looking?
Mr Nurd Boy - long time No see/speak!!!! i live about 5 Min from McCellan !!!! if we dont get to gather now we might as well give up!!!!
hey jim, you anywhere near the foothill community center there on Diablo?...(I have a bird club meeting there 4th friday of the month)...i'm actually on bell near raley blvd