I think The Traveller Adventure must be the Temple of Elemental Evil for Traveller. I read this topic last summer with interest, but only decided last week that I would run this campaign. I bought this book when it came out, yet this is first time I've attempted to actually run it! /boggle
I thought it might be best to start a new topic with explicit license to discuss spoilers and swap stories and suggestions. If you haven't played or run this campaign before, read on at your own risk.
Morte, if you see this, I'd love to know how your game is going...
I have a regular group of players I've known for years (it looks like I'm down to four for the start of this one), none of whom have more than limited exposure to Traveller from many, many years ago (CT/MT days). They are basically a blank slate Travellerwise. They are otherwise very experienced gamers, however, so I like to fine-tune published material before I feed it to them. They'll tear the adventure to shreds if it relies too much on the usual cliche's -- they've earned the rat bastard treatment:
Rat Bastardry
Pronunciation: 'rat bas-tard-ry
Function: noun
1: A philosophy that asserts that a role-playing game's capacity for providing enjoyment can be greatly increased by weaving a complex web of psychological challenges, moral or ethical dilemmas, frequent plot twists, and unforeseen consequences to create a gaming environment with verisimilitude that rises above the mundane with the ultimate aim of creating an atmosphere of awed paranoia for the players.
(Courtesy of The Rat's Nest)
With that in mind, any suggestions or experiences running or playing this classic are greatly appreciated!
I thought it might be best to start a new topic with explicit license to discuss spoilers and swap stories and suggestions. If you haven't played or run this campaign before, read on at your own risk.
Morte, if you see this, I'd love to know how your game is going...
I have a regular group of players I've known for years (it looks like I'm down to four for the start of this one), none of whom have more than limited exposure to Traveller from many, many years ago (CT/MT days). They are basically a blank slate Travellerwise. They are otherwise very experienced gamers, however, so I like to fine-tune published material before I feed it to them. They'll tear the adventure to shreds if it relies too much on the usual cliche's -- they've earned the rat bastard treatment:
Rat Bastardry
Pronunciation: 'rat bas-tard-ry
Function: noun
1: A philosophy that asserts that a role-playing game's capacity for providing enjoyment can be greatly increased by weaving a complex web of psychological challenges, moral or ethical dilemmas, frequent plot twists, and unforeseen consequences to create a gaming environment with verisimilitude that rises above the mundane with the ultimate aim of creating an atmosphere of awed paranoia for the players.
(Courtesy of The Rat's Nest)
With that in mind, any suggestions or experiences running or playing this classic are greatly appreciated!