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Rumors of my recent demise are propaganda!

Liam Devlin

SOC-14 5K
Hello CoTI friends, crewman of Ursula, Lonestar sunday chatters, etc etal, and yes, even Trader Jim.

On Friday May 02, I was suddenly ill, and upon arrival at the nearest medical facility asked to get a CAT scan at an even further located Hospital.

Two hrs later the test results and blood work in, I was informed my pain and discomfort was a case of appendicitus. whereupon I vanished till I was released midday Saturday May 03.

I am well, and with my percoset, handy computer, dodging this weeks' barrage of thunderstorms and (as Plop101 has noted) tornadoes.

I regret any lapse of notice, and notification. I understand the Iraqi former minister of disinformation, *Baghdad Bob*/ aka *Comical Ali*, Mr Abu Sayaf, has even reported me dead.

Utter Propaganda, and TNE-GDW orthodoxical Lies.

ALIVE, & recovering,
heretically yours,
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:

I am well, and with my percoset, handy computer, dodging this weeks' barrage of thunderstorms and (as Plop101 has noted) tornadoes.
Glad to hear your doing well under the circumstances. Been dodging thunderstorms and hail here. :eek:

Nice meeting you and the others on the Chat. I'll try sticking around longer next time. ;)

Have fun, stay well, and remain as heretical as ever! :D

Mr casey, thank you sir.
yes hail was present Sunday as well;
Hope all the local groundcars have suffered little damage, at least those under your ownership!

I felt a tad rude being cut off the ether Sunday by weather, and even to the pioint of being cut off by phone! :(

(Being unable to call out-but folks could call in-I could hear them, they could not hear me- amost peculiar condition our county phone system allows). :mad:

Dodge them Lightning strikes!
You got HAIL? D@*& it, I didn't even get rain! And besides, I figured you'd show up sooner or later. Welcome back! Get better! Soon!
Well ser jame, I shall endeavour to do so (sunday we have T-storms forecast again, -every day this week, matter of fact).

We'll see if they're earl;y or not. I hate gettin blown off server like that! :eek: :mad:
Glad to hear you are ok, there were some rumours floating around that SolSec had finally caught up with you.

Feel better soon.
Who told you that you were speaking to the REAL M. Devlin...

They might be after some Infos you got your hands on and are passing as him to help you "liberate" those
Let's schedule another surgery as soon as possible so that WE can retune the homing beacon and thought reader before you can cause too much future trouble.

"We can rebuild him, make him........" :D
Glad to hear your alive and doing well, relatively speaking.

Your first post reminded me of a joke.

An old farmer drives up to his house for lunch. He notices his old hounddog laying next to the house. He calls the dog, but gets no response. He goes over to check the dog, but it won't even move. So he scoops up the dog, puts it in the back of his truck and heads to the vet's office.

The vet walks into the examining room, takes a look at the dog and says, "I'm sorry, your dog is dead."

The farmer goes into denial. "Are you sure, doc? I've had that dog for a long time. He's my best friend. I don't know what I'd do without him. Maybe he's just really sick. Isn't there some sort of test you can do to make sure he's gone?"

The doc thinks a minute, then says, "Well, there is one thing I can try." He leaves the room, and returns a short time later with an old tomcat. He sets the tomcat on the examining table next to the dog. The cat sniffs the dog, then starts rubbing against its face and starts to purr. There is no reaction from the dog.

The doc looks at the farmer, says, "That settles it. He's definitely dead. I'm sorry." He picks up the tomcat and leaves the room.

The heartbroken farmer picks up his dog and returns it to the truck. He then goes back inside to pay his bill. The vet's receptionist informs him that he owes $250.

"What," the farmer says, outraged. "I thought your office visits were $50?"

The receptionist shows him a copy of the bill. "Yes sir, it's $50 for the office visit, and $200 for the cat scan."

(Yeah, like you didn't see that one coming)
Originally posted by Zinzan:
Glad to hear you are ok, there were some rumours floating around that SolSec had finally caught up with you.

Feel better soon.
thanks Zinzan(pete)! Say Hiyas to Shane too- got cut off sunday chatinatin on Lonestar..

Rumors of SolSec nabbin me are likewise false lies! Maybe Ole Baghdad bob's been sellin old newsreels tryin fer a comeback, hey?

I should give him TJ's number...hey...THATS an idea! :eek:

<Yo! BB, Abu!! come back heah, now!>!
;) :D :D
Originally posted by Sandman:
Who told you that you were speaking to the REAL M. Devlin...

They might be after some Infos you got your hands on and are passing as him to help you "liberate" those
Now Sandman, if'n it weren't me, who else could it be? I ain't like some here with two or three identities..(mentions no names, on grounds of fairplay!)

Cya round, lad
Originally posted by Aravain:
Let's schedule another surgery as soon as possible so that WE can retune the homing beacon and thought reader before you can cause too much future trouble.

"We can rebuild him, make him........" :D
lets not, I say. ;)

Sides, this DR ordered 2 week vacation ain't half bad (if'n it ever stopped rainin that tis..)-lets me catch up where I left off!

Thanks Aravain!
Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
Glad to hear your alive and doing well, relatively speaking.

Your first post reminded me of a joke.

<Major SNIP>

"Yes sir, it's $50 for the office visit, and $200 for the cat scan."

(Yeah, like you didn't see that one coming)
Why you ole super interstellar man O mystery!
thank ye sir.
as fer the joke...
(oww my sides hurt laughin! make the bad man Stop!) LOL

Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Mr casey, thank you sir.
yes hail was present Sunday as well;
Hope all the local groundcars have suffered little damage, at least those under your ownership!
No problem there, in the garage at the time. Though the gearhead nextdoor with pratically a small car lot out front was probably worried for a bit. :eek:
Dodge them Lightning strikes!
Yeah had two major power outages this week, at least one took out several towns for a good while (Monday noon traffic was fun to say the least).

Still a chance of storms until Monday but not as bad.

BTW, great job you and the others have done on the Ursula site/group! Some great work there.

Asu* would be honored to be a guest NPC.

*<plug> An ex-Circus performer and Ship's Boat pilot I created for a PBEM I'm trying to help the GM get recruits for. </plug> :D

Originally posted by Casey:
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
[qb] No problem there, in the garage at the time. Though the gearhead nextdoor with pratically a small car lot out front was probably worried for a bit.
He can the Fire sale from hail then! ;)

Yeah had two major power outages this week, at least one took out several towns for a good while (Monday noon traffic was fun to say the least).

Still a chance of storms until Monday but not as bad.

BTW, great job you and the others have done on the Ursula site/group! Some great work there.

Well shucks sah..Hepps ta have good playuhs, and a co-Gm ter keep me in line! course, havin T20 hepps too (THANKS BOSS-at Hunter,Bruce, MJD, etc)
Asu* would be honored to be a guest NPC.
we could manage better than that lad! send yer e-mail addy to liamdevlin33@hotmail.com, and i'll send ya an invite ter join. We have some folks can't be her every week, and so a cameo role as an NPc ain't a bad hitch..now if ya wanna PLAY too.. roll up a PC and jump on in..
*<plug> An ex-Circus performer and Ship's Boat pilot I created for a PBEM I'm trying to help the GM get recruits for. </plug> :D

We could always sue another SB pilot! Just now we're a litle tied up with legal stuff on Regina...
So, rumors of your demise were extremely accurate except for the fact that they referred to your clone? (A little phrase I'd like to keep for my own use!)
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
We could always sue another SB pilot! Just now we're a litle tied up with legal stuff on Regina...
Sounds good. Probably lurk for a while at first though. Need to convert Asu to t20 from CT first anyway. Probably a Professional/Traveller.

sent you an email from one of my yahoo accounts

Well, busy weekend, survived the ren faire- 1st day was verra busy--was on me feet 10hrs..
droped like a rock when I got home-slept fer 12.5 I think..got up, and hepped close the show down.. worked only 4 hrs this day. One more week of this forced rest to go..LOL!
Take it easy; when I had mine out in '82, they had me up and out the next day. Less than two weeks later, I was back in because I had developed a bowel obstruction and was so dehydrated that it took 11 attempts to start an IV! :eek:

I spent my spring of senior year of undergrad bent partially over...and it wasn't from too much drinking, either. A little TLC now could prevent some problems down the road. Of course, during my time, us real men had to undergo REAL surgery, not this wimpy,mamby-pamby, laprascopic cr*p that today's sissified "men" whine about!

Get well soon!!
Originally posted by Aravain:
Take it easy; when I had mine out in '82, they had me up and out the next day. Less than two weeks later, I was back in because I had developed a bowel obstruction and was so dehydrated that it took 11 attempts to start an IV! :eek:

**<bows> I shall Aravain! All 2 weeks I have coming to me! Ahh you had the ole knife job, I see?

I spent my spring of senior year of undergrad bent partially over...and it wasn't from too much drinking, either. A little TLC now could prevent some problems down the road. Of course, during my time, us real men had to undergo REAL surgery, not this wimpy,mamby-pamby, laprascopic cr*p that today's sissified "men" whine about!

Get well soon!!
***The TLC I'm getting is consderable. Got a Card from Shane McLean/ Bannockburn, Scotland yesterday! Cheered me up! Wasn't the surgery I was worried about--it was how close to bein dead I was.

And thanks! :D