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Revised Canopus Sector Data


SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
The Canopus Sector data created in Galactic by Rupert Boleyn had several errors (possibly due to bugs in Galactic), especially concerning trade codes. with Rupert's permission and encouragement I've proof-read the sector data and consolidated it into a SEC file. The revised version is available here.

Feel free to use it - if you find any more errors, please report them to me. Also, is there any way to mass-generate stellar data to complete this SEC file?

EDIT: SEC2PDF doesn't seem to work with this file; it generates empty hex-sheets with only the Poe system showing. Is that due to the lack of stellar data?
For some reason this thread seems to stay "on top" of the thread-list in this forum, though it doesn't seem to be stickied...
WOW! Many Thanks!

By the way, the subsector names are:
1: Somnia
2: Yanos
3: Scanlon
4: Apmond
5: Zervicit
6: Galis
7: Caprice
8: Vaymo
9: Hyskos
10: Nanfeng
11: Hamid
12: Lares
13: Ikaesi
14: Trita
15: Filio Petri
16: Cabot

And there is a justification for the files to be protected by imperial intelligence - these are maps of Solomani space, and accurate ones at it (remember that the SolConfed would publish whatever data that fits it needs, not nescerily accurate data in some respects).

Oh, and and could you add a map without trade-routes at the end of the document?

Thanks again,
omer Golan
I already grabbed those subsector names (take a look at the pdf again).

I've also posted a single-page map without routes if you'd like to grab it:

I am thinking about re-generating the Canopus sector to create my own variant of it (a different and parallel approach to Rupert Boleyn's ones). The reason for this is that Rupert has envisioned Canopus as a low-pop frontier sector, even in subsectors near the highly-developed Solomani Rim sector. I'm starting to prefer a higher-pop, more developed form of this sector (to the Coreward-Trailing of it, that is), with the lower-pop frontier existing only in its Rimward-Spinward parts of the sector (and even then not uniformly, due to both old isolated colonies having time to flourish and the need to maintain a presence near the Aslan border).

To make things clear, I find nothing wrong with Rupert Boleyn's version of this sector, I am just leaning towards another version for myself.
To make things clear, I find nothing wrong with Rupert Boleyn's version of this sector, I am just leaning towards another version for myself.

Take a look at the Mongoose Traveller forum and the messages about the Spica book. They had to regenerate the GENIE data and start with the material from the AotI. IIRC theres no material for Canopus apart from the dot map in one of the DGP books.

Just going through old TODO items and I ran across a link to this thread.

All the links are dead. Does anyone have updated links for the revised Canopus data, or contact information for Rupert Boleyn?
Just going through old TODO items and I ran across a link to this thread.

All the links are dead. Does anyone have updated links for the revised Canopus data, or contact information for Rupert Boleyn?

The link in the top post works just fine for me.


is up. The Java is broken, but the ASCII interface works fine.

maps.travellercentral.com is no longer a traveller site.

111.george.com resolves instead to http://www.ocean-of-storms.com/core/alliegence_en.htm

Your browser might not be following the redirects, and/or your ISP might not be resolving the domain name aliases.
The link in the top post works just fine for me.


is up. The Java is broken, but the ASCII interface works fine.

True. "All" was overstating it. BeRKA's link is fine, but the second link in the top post - to the revised data that is the subject of this thread - is obsolete, as are Mickazoid's and any the other links to the revised data in the thread. (BeRKA may have incorporated the revised data, but this is unclear from the context.)