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revised book2-type designs


has anyone ever felt that the standard book2-type designs might have been done better? here is a thread for revised book2-type designs.
fat trader
400 ton, Streamlined
14 months, TL 9
MCr 76.75 (full price)
MCr 69.075 (standard price)
Crew: 1 pilot, 1 navigator, 1 engineer, 1 steward, 1 medic, 1 gunner
Drives: jdrive-B, mdrive-B, pplant-B. 1g manuever, 1 parsec jump, 25 tons wasted space
Bridge: model/1 computer, 2 hardpoints, 1 single turret (missile)
Fuel: 50 tons (1 parsec range, 28 days endurance)
Life Support: 14 staterooms, 12 low berths
Payload: 215 tons cargo, 8 high or mid passage, 12 low passage

yields a maximum monthly profit of Cr 147,404 assuming 25 jumps annually. not quite as robust as the book2 design, which uses slightly larger drives. similar performance otherwise. book2 standard design costs 101.03 MCr and is unarmed.
free trader
200 ton, Streamlined
11 months, TL 9
MCr 41.8 (full price)
MCr 37.62 (standard price)
Crew: 1 pilot, 1 engineer, 1 steward, 1 medic
Drives: jdrive-A, mdrive-A, pplant-A. 1g manuever, 1 parsec jump, 0 tons wasted space
Bridge: model/1 computer, 2 hardpoints, 2 tons reserved for fire control
Fuel: 30 tons (1 parsec range, 28 days endurance)
Life Support: 12 staterooms, 12 low berths
Payload: 78 tons cargo, 8 high or mid passage, 12 low passage

maximum monthly net profit of Cr ~64k assuming 25 jumps annually.
heya flykiller,
Originally posted by flykiller:
'course, depends on what you mean by better...
generally, i mean more efficient in some way. for instance, economically.

nice deck plan btw
thanks. I keep waiting for someone besides me to use it ....

economic efficiency may be determined by local conditions. in the late 1800's clipper ships were tailor-built for speed, sacrificing large amounts of cargo space to obtain those narrow hulls, because the first ships to arrive in the US with chinese tea commanded prices high enough to make it worthwhile. I'll bet they charged quite a bit more than 1000cr per ton of cargo space.

most cargo ships will probably be specially designed to operate certain routes, therefore general purpose (player character) ships will be at an inherent disadvantage no matter how well designed. concentrating on brokers and personal contacts who can supply those "we need it now and we'll pay ANYTHING" cargos may be more profitable than trying to make the ship better.
Originally posted by flykiller:
concentrating on brokers and personal contacts who can supply those "we need it now and we'll pay ANYTHING" cargos may be more profitable than trying to make the ship better.
i agree with that and the other things you said

i ENJOY designing the ships
Laboratory Ship
200 ton, Streamlined
TL 9, 11 months
MCr 51.14 (full price)
MCr 46.026 (standard price)
Crew: 1 pilot, 1 engineer, 1 medic
Drives: jdrive-A, mdrive-A, pplant-A. 1 parsec jump range, 1g manuever
Bridge: model/1 computer, 1 hardpoint, 1 ton reserved for fire control
Fuel: 50 tons (2 jumps and 28 days endurance)
Life Support: 13 staterooms, double occupancy
Payload: 23 lab staff, 2 air-raft, 50 ton laboratory (MCr 8.34), 3 tons cargo

this lacks the centrifuge, pinnace, and high power plant rating of the canon lab ship, and the lab/staff is about half-sized. it costs about 1/3 of the larger ship.
Noble Yacht
200 ton Streamlined
TL 9 11 months
MCr 51.55 (full price)
MCr 46.395 (standard price)
Crew: pilot, engineer, steward, medic, gunner, gcarrier driver, gcarrier gunner
Drives: jdrive-A, mdrive-A, pplant-A. 1 parsec jump range, 1g manuever
Bridge: model/1 computer, 2 hardpoints, 1 ton reserved for fire control, 1 triple turret (bms)
Fuel: 50 tons (2 jumps and 28 days endurance)
Life Support: 16 staterooms, double occupancy except passengers
Payload: 1 air-raft, 1 gcarrier, 30 ton hall (MCr 3.25), 2 tons cargo, 8 high passage, 9 troops, one double sized stateroom for owner/noble
400 ton Streamlined
TL 10, 11 months
MCr 262.1 (full price)
Crew: pilot, navigator, 3 engineers, medic, 4 gunners
Drives: jdrive-F, mdrive-H, pplant-H. 3 parsec jump range, 4g manuever
Bridge: model/3 computer, 4 triple turrets (2 beam, 2 missile)
Fuel: 160 tons (1 jump and 28 days endurance)
Life Support: 24 staterooms, 4 low berths
Payload: 1 gcarrier, 14 troops, 1 launch, 12 cargo