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release of FFE 005

another month has almost gone
by...and no relese date on FFE 005...almost 5 months off
scheduel?? does any one have ANY hard news when it might be released?? whats the status of this thing?? this is killing me...this is worse
than the JUNO ITCH!!!!
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by trader james:
another month has almost gone
by...and no relese date on FFE 005...almost 5 months off
scheduel?? does any one have ANY hard news when it might be released?? whats the status of this thing?? this is killing me...this is worse
than the JUNO ITCH!!!!

I know that there was some problem getting good scans of some of the stuff. Something about the colors and wanting to put out the best possable product. Color separations can be a real pain if the source material has any problems at all.
Yep, it's still hard to wait for good things.
Peter v.
Just talked to Marc, he is waiting on the bluelines to come back from the printer now. It shouldn't be much longer. As soon as I know more, I'll post up a note


Actually this isn't about FFE5.

What about the others? Do you have any timetables for the others?

I *really*, *really* would love to get my hands on the Modules and Alien Modules.

Quite frankly, seeing as Nos 1-4 all came out in one year (2000), yet it looks like we will be very fortunate to get a single one (No. 5) in 2001. Are the first four not selling well?
Marc is working on an updated release schedule and I'll get it posted as soon as it reaches my hands

On FFE-005 btw, the color proofs have been approved so it shouldn't be too long now.

I'm with you, mjwest - in fact, I'm anxious to get my hands on all the upcoming ones. I snapped up the first two books when I discovered the compilations last month, but when I saw that Games was expected shortly, I decided to wait for it and buy Adv & DblAdv at the same time to save on shipping. Games has continued to be expected shortly, so I've continued to wait on it. I think I read that there are 1,000 printed of each book - if so, I'll cause a 0.1% increase in sales on the three newest ones when Games is released
. After that, I'll happily buy each one as it comes out.

Wendell (IMTU tc++ !tm !tn !t4 !tg ru+ ge++ he)
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blue Ghost:

Well indeed. Not only are we waiting on the book itself but the promised "I'll post someting about the status soon" is now late as well.

Now I will be the first to say that I would rather wait for a well produced product than have a poorly produced product now but the least you could do is change the due date on the website from the already missed may 2001 to indefinate.

I am increasingly of the opinion that RPGs are by the nature of their creation subjective phenomenon. due to the interaction between game designers, game masters, and game players all definitions, rules, settings, and adventures are mutable in acordance with the uncertainty principle as expounded by Heisenburg. This is of course merely my point of view.

David Shayne
Or, if it is that hard to produce, can we just skip it and move on to the rest?

The first two Journal reprints should be trivial to hammer out, as they are the exact same format as the first four reprints. (BTW, don't try to reformat them. Please leave all the adds and stuff in. Just reprint them straight.)

And while they will be portrait, rather than landscape, the Alien Modules should be just as trivial.

So, when can we see them? If FFE is making money on the first four reprints (which, from comments on this board, they apparently are) can we at least see those reprints soon?

Well, I went ahead and ordered FFE 003 & 004 last week (extra shipping be damned - gotta have my reprint fix
). My enthusiasm for 005 (whenever it debuts) and those following (which seem less challenging to produce, and thus hopefully less time-consuming) remains high.

Wendell (IMTU tc++ !tm !tn !t4 !tg ru+ ge++ he)