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Release dates for products in 2005

I actually expect to see a State of the Imperium address sometime during the first week of January. At that point, I'm sure we'll be given some indication of what's next on the product release schedule.

And if not, we can send out our own State of the Imperium address, kinda like a rebel Voice of the Resistance, letting them know what we'd like to see in 2005. ;)

Well...I am also hoping that we will actually hear something from Marc. I have tried emailing with no success.

As I am eagerly awaiting new news on the Reprint front (especially Twilight 2000) or even if the 2300AD will go forward.

Not mention all those wonderful things that T20 is tempting us with...
Originally posted by kafka47:
Well...I am also hoping that we will actually hear something from Marc. I have tried emailing with no success.

As I am eagerly awaiting new news on the Reprint front (especially Twilight 2000) or even if the 2300AD will go forward.

Not mention all those wonderful things that T20 is tempting us with...
Interesting, I have emailed Marc a couple of times and gotten rather quick responses. Granted they were on subjects that don't require lots of thought. Location of deckplans for the AHL and permission to upload them here, how to order from FFE by snail mail, that kind of stuff.
Apparently Marc has a day job as a small publishing house for RPGs or something like that. I knew he had a printer's shop, but I didn't know it was a job.
I guess knowing the schedule of FFE is one of those things that he might want to sit on for a while...As reprints go, I guess they are not all that profitable and plus there is the T20 version of Twilight due out sometime to contend with.

THe problem is...I just got addicted to Twilight through the reprints...so forgive my impatience for wanting more. So if anyone wants to parts with all the adventures for free...just let me know. -