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Release date?

Hello everyone.

I used to play Traveller back about 10 years ago, and have recently been wanting to get back into it with my regular group.

When researching online I stumbled upon 2320AD, and got hooked

What I´ve seen looks great, and I´m waiting for an opportunity to invest in a copy

Do you have an up-to-date release date?
Unfortunately, the artwork is still needing to be completed and the publisher is going through a whole slew of personal problems...so my guess would be Decemberish.
Originally posted by Sigg Oddra:
If you can't wait you can subscribe to the moot and gain access to the playtest files and discussion forum.
I just tried to subscribe, but didn´t manage to find how. I tried to access the Moot, was prompted for a password - naturally didn´t have one - so I clicked something like cancel. Then I got an overview of the benefits of subscription with a listing of the various subscription levels. I tried selecting one but always get a message saying that I need to be logged in to CotI, which I already am.

I consider myself relatively web-savvy, but this really has me confused
Welcome aboard, vargur.

From Iceland? What a coincidence. My mother's family is Icelandic. They have geneological records stretching back to sometime around 880AD or so.

As for the release, personally, I'm hoping for something earlier than December.

Colin Dunn
2320AD writer and line editor
As I noted in the Moot, artwork is the main holdup at this point. We want to make sure than 2320AD lives up to the legacy of 2300AD in this respect.

Colin Dunn
2320AD writer and line editor
Hi everyone!

Picking up this thread again.

I used to play Classic Traveller and 2300 AD years ago and would like to give it another try with my old friends again. By mere coincidence I found Traveller T20 in a bookstore in Stockholm, and then I searched the Internet for more information. Man, was I glad when I found this place!
And I became even more excited when I read about the forthcoming 2320.
The idea sounds great and I believe the D20 system can help improve the game even further – and 2300 is what I consider to be the best hard-core sci-fi rpg ever!

Anyhow, I can’t wait to get my hands on the book as soon as it is released. Any news on the release date?

There are a wealth of information in this forum, so please accept my apologies if this information is already present in another thread. I have a lot of catching up to do.
Originally posted by Linus:
Anyhow, I can’t wait to get my hands on the book as soon as it is released. Any news on the release date?
Hunter has been away for ages and ages, and it isn't gonna come out until after he is back, so the answer on that one is "how long is a peice of string?".

Well I saw this comming...
When we discuss this strings, we should do this in a 2300AD like manner ;)

A lengh of a string is about 10^-35 m!

String theory, is a model of fundamental physics whose building blocks are one-dimensional extended objects (strings) rather than the zero-dimensional points (particles) that are the basis of the Standard Model of particle physics. For this reason, string theories are able to avoid problems associated with the presence of pointlike particles in a physical theory. Studies of string theories have revealed that they require not just strings, but also higher-dimensional objects.

The basic idea is that the fundamental constituents of reality are strings of energy of the Planck length (about 10^-35 m) which vibrate at resonant specific frequencies.


Thank you for the information. I understand this no longer has top priority considering the tragedies that has happened to Hunter and his family.

In what state is the playtest files? Or more specifically; is it possible to use the material from the playtest files to run a campaign set in the 2300 timeline, but with the game mechanism from the D20 system?
Originally posted by Dunryc:
Well I saw this comming...
When we discuss this strings, we should do this in a 2300AD like manner ;)

A lengh of a string is about 10^-35 m!
Actually a very good answer to a classic rhetorical question!
Originally posted by Linus:
Thank you for the information. I understand this no longer has top priority considering the tragedies that has happened to Hunter and his family.

In what state is the playtest files? Or more specifically; is it possible to use the material from the playtest files to run a campaign set in the 2300 timeline, but with the game mechanism from the D20 system?
Yes, in fact. The actual posted playtest files aren't the final ones, but there is a link to the penultimate files. I'm still tinkering with them, because, quite franky, I seem to have the time.

As far as I know, 2320AD will come out shortly after Hunter returns. He's paid me for it, so he'll have to publish o get his money back. When that will be, though, I don't know.