Ok, If we pick up some laser-printable overhead sheets, combined with my colour laser, we have a beginning.
I don't have the time to create the charts, but, if you create (do the data entry) for the charts, I can format them up to fit the needed layout.
If you combine plexiglass, resin, leather/pleather/reinforced tape, we can create a holder that will hold slide-in sheets, while using the material for flexible hinges.
With a geek tube (the florescent tubes geeks put inside their computers) you can have a backlight mapbox/screen with the ability to drop in maps and game related displays.
The backside would have reference charts. It is possible, but, it will cost you.
I am thinking that you will have to supply the plexiglass, overhead sheets and material. I have the geek light (yea, well, I am a geek after all) and can do the layout and printing. Assembly we can do together.
The cost for the labour will be labour in trade.
I have a bunch of ocr'd material that needs a human eye to repair errors.
best regards