

Kudos, Rob! Thanks heaps for this highly useful thread. Muy Bueno!
This is very much along my own lines of thought for MHTU (my HERETICAL traveller universe
): combine handpicked worlds/clusters from ALL favored sources/eras, handwritten bits inspired by other sources (other SF games, novels, etc.), and filled out with carefully generated H&E random output. Re-arrange some astrography (rifts), borders, scale, and history to fit. You can still use virtually any adventure written for Traveller with minor modification.
You are currently way ahead of me (I just got started), but I will put forward my 0.02Cr on alternate astrography.
I intend to use square sectors and subsectors. I like hexagonal star maps, but not 8.5-to-11 proportions. My subsectors are slightly smaller than canon, at 8-columns wide by 7-hexes deep. A conventional sector would therefore be 28 parsecs across (32x28) and approximately square. I may consider smaller sectors, perhaps 21 parsecs (24x21.., 16x14 seems kinda small for a "sector", hmm...).
Additionally, I intend to map "wilderness" stars throughout known space, i.e., emtpy or uninhabited systems. I will stick with the "one system per hex, exactly centered" trope for simplicity, but not all occupied hexes will contain "worlds". Many of these systems will be simple brown dwarfs (or similiar "trash" stars) with little or no system features or fuel sources. A rare handful will be actual navigation hazards with dangerous local effects. Fully inhabited Jump-1 mains will be somewhat rarer and much more significant. Better hiding places for unethical merchants and more scout patrol opportunities, even well behind political borders. Higher jump numbers more useful than even before. So.., smaller, but also more spread out. Long distances can still be maintained.
My heresy has just begun, but I thought this little bit might compliment your thinking...