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Red Dwarf


Hello all,

I just saw a Website for a Red Dwarf RPG. For those of you don't kow Red Dwarf is the best Sci Fi comedy series of all time. Thank you BBC.

I have no thoughts on the game, but check it out at http://www.deep7.com
I like the sound of it, but I can't help but think that this will be one of those games (like Paranoia) where reading the scenarios and rulebooks will be more fun than playing the game.

<executes a double Rimmer>

Originally posted by Vice-Admiral Vidmar Kulkinski:
I like the sound of it, but I can't help but think that this will be one of those games (like Paranoia) where reading the scenarios and rulebooks will be more fun than playing the game.

executes a double Rimmer;

My dear Admiral
You may be right on that, but it may be the kind of light harted fare we can use suck in, err, convert non players to our hobby/lifestyle/religion.

If you'll excuse me I have a meeting of the the Committee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society to get to.
At least get the DVDs of Seasons 1 and 2 (they`re out since last week in North Am.)

At least get the DVDs of Seasons 1 and 2 (they`re out since last week in North Am.)
I bought them earlier this week. :D

As for the RPG, I'm not really sure about it. Red Dwarf dosn't have the scope of Star War or Star Trek : it's just a gang of loosers in a ship, all alone in space (well, almost all alone). It may be fun for a one shot game where you play a parallel version of the remaining crew, but that's pretty much all you can do, in my mind. As for the rules, I really can't say a thing : never saw them.
Red Dward was BRILIANT! Honest to God good sci-fi.

It was The Odd Couple, only set in space. Just that simple. And it was briliant.

Jumped the shark around season 5, though.
Originally posted by Gaming Glen:
My favorite season is 7, when they chase after the RD in the shuttlebug (name?). I was rolling on the floor many times.

Strange. Most people in the UK consider Season 7 to be the worst of all the seasons, by a large margin. Just goes to show comedy doesn't usually translate well across the atlantic, in either direction.
My Dear Travellers,
My favorite episode was Polymorph. I think it's from season 3. In fact I think it's the funniest half hour of TV ever.

That's the one with the moster that steals the peoples emotions.
Originally posted by Rover:
My Dear Travellers,
My favorite episode was Polymorph. I think it's from season 3. In fact I think it's the funniest half hour of TV ever.

That's the one with the moster that steals the peoples emotions.
"Well I'm sorry Mr Rimmer, I've no fish to bother you further; I'll let myself Trout..."

Ah me, happy memories. I might even try and dig out my tapes of seasons two an dthree tonight.

Backwards is really quite cool, if only for the Cat's expression after having 'gone behind the bushes' to answer a 'call of nature'...
my Dear Sandman,

Waffles are OK, so long as they're not the frozen kind that needs to be cooked in a toaster.
First of all, shouldent this post be in the random static forum?

And second of all, somebody throw that bloody toaster into the trash compacter then jettison it into a star. Lister didnt do a good enough job
My Dear Rhand,

It's my fault for putting the post here.

I well accept a demotion to Soup Dispensing Machine Tecnichien 3rd Class as punishment.
Your forgiven Rover....after 2 weeks PD:)

>Gaming Glen
>My favorite season is 7, when they chase after >the RD in the shuttlebug (name?). I was rolling >on the floor many times.

Starbug, the nigh invincible ship.