So, after the weekend music festival, personal Traveller game and web site AAR/Update, etc...
I have read your work.
Ignoring all the Traveller universe stuff and focusing on the writing itself.
I find it "Choppy"
I was often uncertain who was saying something or what a comment referenced?
Not as often, but where the above happened, and where there was a subtext meaning, that was lost until the passage was re-read several times.
For example:
"Field Scout Adam Warren." (At first, this suggested someone was introducing themselves)
His eyes jerked open, he had been about to fall asleep. (This modifier made it obvious he was dozing and the statement was from another)
Relaxed, must be a good sign. (Did he think this or speak it? Or, did the observer waking him think this? Either is valid )
(Later reading reinforced the expectation that Warren thought this, as it matches the internal monologue continued through the work)
He rose, unconsciously straightening his formal field dress uniform, and turned to the announcer. A young female, in formal administration
uniform. More gray, less showy, but it exuded ... what? He never could figure it out. Mandarin officiousness? Made her look older.
There are more confusing examples, but I only noted the presence of such. I didn't mark references
Also, much of the "internal dialog" appeared sufficient to the specific character's needs and understanding (which also meant the writer's), but
left the reader wondering "what the hell does that mean" until statements or actions down-story informed the reader what was meant.
On the whole, I liked it.
I found your attributions to world population personalities "entertaining"
The character Natasha seemed to have a background similar to the "Tasha Yar" Character on ST:Next Gen even though Canon Aki
is, in the OTU, the Main Imperial Administrative Center for District 268 affairs under a "Duke General" who reports to the Duchess of Glisten
the world is also home to the "Prime rimward base" for Baraccai Technum and also has one of the Blisten Yards ship yards.
So, hardly the sort of place one might to see the streets run by gangs.
But, that's a personal note