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Real Men vs Munchkins

Good stuff. From my history, I'm a fusion of Real Man/Real Roleplayer:

Real Men play Star Trek: The Roleplaying Game
Real Roleplayers play Space Opera
Real Roleplayers play Call of Cthulhu
Real Men play Twilight 2000
Real Men read The General
Real Roleplayers like Tolkien's elves
Real Men like Tolkien's Dwarfs [really should be "Dwarves"
Real Men read J.R.R. Tolkien Lord of the Rings
Real Men watch the Star Wars films
Real Roleplayers watch 2001: A Space Odyssey / 2010: Odyssey Two
Real Roleplayers read Arthur C. Clarke
Real Roleplayers like the Moties
Real Men "Do the Dealer's Room" or hang out in the con suite
Real Roleplayers go to seminars/hide in their rooms and play games

Were I to add Traveller to the list:

Real Men play Classic Traveller
Real Roleplayers play MegaTraveller
Loonies play GURPS Traveller

Munchkins don't "get" Traveller ("no HP's, no Levels? So how do I win?")

Wendell (IMTU tc++ tm !tn !t4 !tg ru+ ge+ 3i+ c+ jt- au ls+ he)

[This message has been edited by WendellM (edited 28 March 2002).]
Hah! Good one. Love it.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by WendellM:
Were I to add Traveller to the list:

Real Men play Classic Traveller
Real Roleplayers play MegaTraveller
Loonies play GURPS Traveller

Munchkins don't "get" Traveller ("no HP's, no Levels? So how do I win?")
