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Rationalizing Anachronistic Cultural Reference

Just an idea for those of you Traveller fans who may also like the BattleTech universe.
IMTU I have the occasional discovery of so called "Lost Tech". This may be a derelict ship, library cache, tomb opening, etc. Once this occurs any cultural or historic documents present start to filter into the popular culture. This can even represent a previously forgotten wing of the AAB that suddenly comes into availability.
The result of this treasure trove of info is a small cultural renaissance. When the Rosetta stone in our history was discovered, along with the English victory on the Nile, there was a general flurry of Egyptphilia throughout Europe. Similar popular fads can be seen in the architecture and sculpture of the Italian Renaissance and it’s fascination with the Greco-Roman world of 1500 years previous.
I postulate that a "sleeper ship" lost during the Nth Interstellar war had drifted through the Great Rift and been discovered, oh say about 800. This led to an opening of its library stores (UN Library of the Assembly complete collection on Holodisk) which then led to a popularization of late 20th to 22nd century Earth slang, fashion, fiction, film and other fun stuff. A counter cultural backlash occurred 20 years later with the opening of a previously thought destroyed branch of the AAB in Corridor dating to just before the 1st Interstellar war. This produced a Vilanii cultural upswing that led to strict reinterpretation of grammar, technological regulation, "traditional" societal mores, fashion, fiction, film and other fun stuff.
Back and forth these two elements warred, until in typical 3rd Imperial fashion the happy middle ground was reached.
This gives gamers and referees an excuse to include otherwise anachronistic cultural elements into a game that is placed three millennia in the distant future.
Tip-o-the-hat to W.A.Keith and the Grey Death Legion with their Lost-Tech horde.
BRILLIANT! Now why didn't I think of that?
I've always (or mostly) just glossed it over. Not anymore, with credit to you (and your inspiration) that'll be a part of the intro to my T20 campaign. Thanks :D

"Well as I live and breath, Fletch! Hey what's with the collar? Kinda suits you, is it for real or are you 'working'? ;) "

"The Pan-Universal-Church-of-Lofty-Yet-Earthly-Delights, never heard of it, quite a mouthful though."

"Pickle eyed, that's a good one,
, well if you ever need a lift check the boards for the Empress Poppaea, family flies free, no questions asked ;) ."
My son, this collar is a symbol of the special bond and oath between me and Yask....I mean the creator. I am always working his work...now, would you happen to know where any 17-21 year old orphan girls in need of a father figure might be around these parts?
Contents of letter to Father Fletch, The Pan-Universal-Church-of-Lofty-Yet-Earthly-Delights,

From: Father "Martin Francis O'Herlihy", Galanglic Thrice Reformed Catholic Church (GTRC),

Father Fletch,
Suggest you try the planet Stellatio. There's many a lass there of that description be needin yer special, er.. ministry."

God Speed, God bless! ;)
YMMV-I agree that finding even a ship lost within one system is very unlikely, let alone having it drift into deep extra-solar space and then happening onto another solar system, and then getting into shipping or navigation lanes long enough for an active ship to cross her path. BUT, this is Scientific-Space-Opera-Fiction-Fun-Game-Stuff, sooooo...who knows what could happen. An alternative could be a hideous series of misjumps, cultural refugees, Ancient Secret Experiments (with out Ancient Level Tech left behind) or even some sort of wacky RoM/2nd Imp effort at making a Info Depot in the Marches prior to the Long Night.
It could even be a bit of stolen Ihatae war booty that then became part of the Clan Treasure which went across the border when the Trojan Reaches were settled. Stolen in a War of Assassins, it came into the hands of an antiquities dealer who realized what she had her hands on and went public with it, securing her fortune.
Then again, YMMV; my advice is do what is fun for you and your players
Originally posted by Liam Devlin:
Contents of letter to Father Fletch, The Pan-Universal-Church-of-Lofty-Yet-Earthly-Delights,

From: Father "Martin Francis O'Herlihy", Galanglic Thrice Reformed Catholic Church (GTRC),

Father Fletch,
Suggest you try the planet Stellatio. There's many a lass there of that description be needin yer special, er.. ministry."

God Speed, God bless! ;)
I ALMOST ran a character that was a missionary. He was from the Church of the Devine Hubbard.

"There is One Hubbard, and Travolta is his Prophet..."

The GM put an axe to that, however.
Phydaux posted-"I ALMOST ran a character that was a missionary. He was from the Church of the Devine Hubbard.

"There is One Hubbard, and Travolta is his Prophet..."

The GM put an axe to that, however."

Out of thread here, a wee. I specialized in playing Priests/Clerics in ADnD 1-3e.
Father O'Herlihy FYI, phydaux is the pseduonymn for a PC of mine when "incognito" (he's a spy).

Three types of folks are invisible on dirtside is his maxim:
Policeman (all wear uniforms)
Postmen (yeppurs as above)
And Priests (The clergy).

"No go forth and do great things, me son!"
Father O'Herlihy, to an up and coming agent...somewheres in the Traveller Universe!