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Questions about At Close Quarters

I have a few questions about the BITS At Close Quarters rules.

Is it a standalone "wargame" in its own right, or simply a more detailed set of combat rules for the RPG?

Is it compatible with varying scales of miniatures and existing deckplans?

Are there provision for outdoor terrain, or just indoor and boarding actions?

Do the rules address the more offbeat Traveller races like Droyne, K'kree and Hivers, or just humans?

Any impressions on playability and game balance?

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

It can be used as a stand alone wargame if one wants but to me it is more fun to use in a a RPGing game like Traveller, it has tasks conversions for most iterations of Traveller.

It covers all of the situations you have listed, very well.

It also has rules for Droyne, K'Kree, Hivers, Vargr and Aslan.

It is a well thought out product and system for combat and is as balanced as the iteration of Traveller you are using.

It is not updated to T20 but it is very easy to convert to the T20 task system.

The PegiunBoy has left his mark on it also.

Yes it is very good product to own and use.
It's one of the best sets of combat rules I've seen in over 30 years of wargaming. It makes a nice stand-alone skirmish game if that's what you want. It also interfaces with every version of Traveller, and you could use the basic system for other games as well.

Definitely worth picking up.
What Robert said.

Like other BITS products it kind of assumes you are playing T4 but uses a unified task system that works with CT, MT, TNE and even GURPS.

Conceptually its similar to Mayday and Azhanti High Lightning in using action points but is better suited than them to Striker-style squad skirmish actions in the open.

However it doesn't cover vehicles or weapons heavier than a FGMP or mortar in any detail - so you'd still need something like Striker to run full-sclale mercenary ops.

Even if you don't use the rules themselves just the 7-page armoury appendix which lists all sorts of goodies like Gauss shotguns, Hazers and Thud Guns is well worth the price.
<em>Even if you don't use the rules themselves just the 7-page armoury appendix which lists all sorts of goodies like Gauss shotguns, Hazers and Thud Guns is well worth the price.</em>

And penguins. Don't forget the combat stats for penguins :)
I've played a lot of skirmish systems (AHL, Snapshot, Warzone (or was that Killzone, always get those confused), Desperado, High Noon, FMA Skirmish, Kryomek, etc). This is a pretty good little system, if one that will have a finite amount of ability to scale up. It seems to have good integration with various rulesets for Traveller thanks to using the BITS skill system (which has conversions to the other skill ssytems). It has a pretty fair selection of weaponry and makes for a playable little wargame or a reasonable way to do character combats in an RPG. I look forward to any updates that Dom and Doug and company put together.
Originally posted by alte:

Even if you don't use the rules themselves just the 7-page armoury appendix which lists all sorts of goodies like Gauss shotguns, Hazers and Thud Guns is well worth the price.
Darn it, I thought _I'd_ invented Gauss Shotguns!

I think I may have been sold on it, too.

If you're thinking of buying Power Projection, BR, I've heard that the 'Fleet' edition has all the rules of the 'Escort' edition and more besides - for about the same price (I think the Escort has more playing counters, but I use minis anyway). I can't comment on playability, cos I've only played it once.