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Question About THB 2nd Printing

Am I correct in assuming that the second printing of the THB has most/all of the first printing's errata corrected?

If true, does anyone know whether the THBs being sold by Amazon.Com are first or second printing?

I'd like to replace my first printing THB, if it means I won't have to wade through so many errors, but I don't want to pay for a replacement copy only to find that it's the same edition.

My chances of finding a FLGS (Friendly Local Game Store) out here in the boondocks are slim to none at this time ...

Thanks for your attention,

Originally posted by Listlurker:
Am I correct in assuming that the second printing of the THB has most/all of the first printing's errata corrected?

If true, does anyone know whether the THBs being sold by Amazon.Com are first or second printing?
The first print run sold out about a year ago so I am pretty sure that they would have the 2nd printing for sale.

Is the cover any different? Any way to tell which printing a book is short of looking at the printing history in the fine print?
Hello Listlurker & Pagan priest,

Open the THB to the Credits, page 2, look at the bottom of the right hand column, above the link to T20's Home on the Web link. The first printing has 2 as the first number and the second printing has a 3.

Tom Rux

Originally posted by Pagan priest:
Is the cover any different? Any way to tell which printing a book is short of looking at the printing history in the fine print?