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published deck plans


I have a question about published official deckplans. In what CT- product was the class A Freetrader first detailed? Where the yacht? Why was an A1-Freetrader established. In my point of view, if it is more expansive than the A Freetrader, why buy it.
And what happened to the patrol cruiser?

Although I played Traveller a lot ever since its german version came out in 1985, I never purchased to many of the supplements. I was a player, not a GM.I intend to get all of the reprint though.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sven:
I have a question about published official deckplans. In what CT- product was the class A Freetrader first detailed? Where the yacht? Why was an A1-Freetrader established. In my point of view, if it is more expansive than the A Freetrader, why buy it.
And what happened to the patrol cruiser?

Although I played Traveller a lot ever since its german version came out in 1985, I never purchased to many of the supplements. I was a player, not a GM.I intend to get all of the reprint though.


The game statistics for the type A free trader and the type Y yacht are of course detailed in book 2. Deckplans for the Type A were published in the game Snapshot which also included a deckplan for the type S which differs from the deckplans in supp7. I can't find deckplans for the yacht or patrol cruiser in any of the reprints. I honestly don't know if any were ever done, if they were published in JTAS, or if I just can't find them.

The Type A1 (according to supplement 7) is a varriation of the type A2 Far trader and is as you say much more expensive than the original A and less capable to boot. It looks like an A2 though so maybe it's a coolness thing? Also note that the A2 deckplans from supplement 7 are about twice as big as they should be which would make the type A2 more "expansive" as well

Hope this was of some small help.

David Shayne
There were deckplans for the Patrol Cruiser and Yacht in the German Traveller magazine EXPLORER, issues 2 and 3, respectively. The articles also included Supplement 7 style writeups.

Peter Kreft and Harald Zubrod were given the credits for those, so the plans seem to be original works rather than adaptions of JTAS articles.

EXPLORER was irregularly published from 1986 to 1988 and folded after a meager 4 issues. Still, it's possible to find back issues in Game Stores that buy / sell OOP stuff, at reasonable prices.


Tobias Riepe
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DaveShayne:
I can't find deckplans for the yacht or patrol cruiser in any of the reprints. I honestly don't know if any were ever done, if they were published in JTAS, or if I just can't find them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ISTR seeing plans for these someplace. Maybe one of the FASA 'Adventure Class Ships' sets? Unfortunately, much of my collection (including these) is in storage, so I can't check. Maybe I'm just imagining things...
FASA's Adventure Class Ships product(s) had deckplans for both the T and Y. Check on the net, you should be able to find the patrol cruiser at least by searching under "Type T"