I just looked at Kenneth Hoods, work...It has some really nice work although it is probably a little too powerful for Traveller. It also gave me some ideas. What I am doing now is just giving you an idea of the thought processes that I am using. The more I think about it I believe that the BAB and saves should be somewhat between the noble class and the professional calls. I am leaning towards the noble class. On the subject of feats the Psionic class would have three categories of feats.
Psionic Feats/Talents, these are the listed ones in the Psionic section plus a few dozen more.
Psionic Enhancement Feats, these would be feats that enhance one's psionic ability such as Natural Talent or Basic Talent (I will explain later)
Psioinc Class Feats, these feats don't necessarily relate to psionic ability, but do relate to the life they live. Connections, Iron Will etc...
I still had some problems with how to connect skills to Psionic talents/feats, but maintain the Traveller T20 basis. I also had the problem of determining how to not let it appear over powerful. So here are some of the ideas that I came up with. (all names are subject to change)
Psionicist beginning feats would most likely be three feats, AP:Light, Psionic Reserve, and Basic Ability. Psionic Reserve would be that the Psion gain one extra Psi-power point per level in Psionicist, this is not the Psi Rating but the number of points available for using abilities. Hence a 10th level Psion with a Psi Rank of 14, would have a total of 14 power points. Basic ability would represent a Psionic Talent(Group) that would be considered in class. I am not sure how this would be determined. Possibly the first Talent that a character successfully rolls for becomes their Basic Psionic ability. I would also allow that the player could add other, but at a higher cost i.e. a second basic psionic ability would cost 2 feats and so on.
On the Skills vs. Feats I think that T20's vehicle systems works well as a basis. For an example, a character would have Telepathy as a Talent and the character would by skill levels in that talent. (1pt/level if a basic ability 2 if not)This would be what the character would roll for any Telepathy DC. Talent would be re-organized into fields. Telepathy for example would have Telepathy i.e. Communication, Defense, Empathy, etc. And, like manuevers different things that the PC wanted to do would have different DC and power costs. Taking Telepathy for example it may have the following: Detect Mind DC 5 + range modifier+ defense modifier, cost 2+range modifier; Read Surface thoughts DC 10+range modifier+defense modifier, cost 4, and so on. Taking our example PC with a total skill level of +10 (8 telepathy skill ranks, +2 Psi Score) want to read the surface thoughts of a mundane PC at medium would have a DC of 10+4 (a guess since I don't have the books with me)+0 (possible the targets Wisdom bonus)=14 and cost 7 points for 60 seconds.
This would be done for all of them so Telekensis Groups would have Telekenesis, Pyrokensis, Cyrokenesis, Kinetic Barrier, etc... with the manueaver that the PC is attempting determine the level. And they would still remain within the Traveller concept. Another example Kinetic Barrier may have a cost of 5 and +1 AC DC10, +2 AC DC15 and so on.
I will put some of this on paper and get some feedback. But what do you guys think.