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Projected Release Date?



I saw this question originally posted in the middle of one of the original threads, but it got lost in the shuffle:

What is the expected release date for T20?

Just a guess would be fine (like July . . . September . . . December . . . early 2002 . . . whatever)

BTW, I haven't played Traveller since the early 80s and I am REALLY excited about the possibilities that T20 present!!!

Our original hope had been for GenCon this year, but that is not really a realistic possibility unfortunately. We want to make sure that we don't make the same mistakes that helped doom T4 by rushing T20 to print.

So for GenCon we hope to have a set of 'fast play' rules to give some insight into what T20 will be and to help promote it.

As to the actual release date, right now I don't want to commit to anything specific other than to say it shouldn't be a problem for a Christmas release, though we may get it out the door sooner. A lot really depends on how playtesting goes.

Fortunately we are not having to design a system from the ground up. By using core pieces from CT, it should greatly speed up the development process.

There is currently a thread running on playtesting requests, and I hope to be posting some info on that before the end of the week.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:
So for GenCon we hope to have a set of 'fast play' rules to give some insight into what T20 will be and to help promote it.

Will you have a booth at GenCon? or set up somewhere?
We have a 20x20 Island at Gen Con, just outside the left side entrance of the Wizards Castle (if you are facing the front of the castle).

Marc Miller will also be a guest at the booth.

I mentioned in another post, but maybe you should time the release, if feasible, in relation to the new Star Trek series coming out this fall? You might have competition from WOTC doing the same thing with an ST D20 book, though.

I'd still rather have it done right then rushed to be out then.

WotC will not be doing Star Trek. Decipher now has the license. It will be a new system that is somewhat similar to the Last Unicorn Games system. Decipher has practically the same team doing this version that was doing the Last Unicorn version.

After the Voyager finale last night, I wouldn't want to be developing gaming products for Trek right now for all the tea in China. Regenerative ablative armor?!? Transphasic torpedoes that destroy borg cubes in one shot !?! The whole Trek universe was tossed on it's ear last night.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Shoveller:
After the Voyager finale last night, I wouldn't want to be developing gaming products for Trek right now for all the tea in China. Regenerative ablative armor?!? Transphasic torpedoes that destroy borg cubes in one shot !?! The whole Trek universe was tossed on it's ear last night.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hopefully the new series will be more adventerous and less "magical". Maybe the science might even be "more down to earth".

So where was the Federation Time Patrol (or whatever their name is)? You'd think they would have stopped Janeway in her time-disobeying tracks. I hate time travel stories (and they could have made a time-travel plot actually work).

Sorry for the OT rant here.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Shoveller:
WotC will not be doing Star Trek. Decipher now has the license. It will be a new system that is somewhat similar to the Last Unicorn Games system. Decipher has practically the same team doing this version that was doing the Last Unicorn version.
Didn't WotC buy Last Unicorn Games? WotC has their Star Trek:Red Alert Disk Game in their product list.
Yes they did buy Last Unicorn Games, and the Star Trek license with them. But when Paramount heard that WoTC was planning to release Star Wars they pulled the Star Trek license. It was subsequently sold to Decipher. Most of the original LUG team is now at Decipher working on the new Star Trek RPG.
