Can someone provide a list of good programs I can use to help speed along my Traveller campaign? Specifically, I'm looking for programs that handle the economics aspect. I'm running a mission to mission game that's heavily story based, but I still want a good economic foundation. Something to help calculate ship payments, cargo prices, and gives me an idea of how much I should give them each session to pace their economic growth.
As it stands, my initial calculation says that the owner of a free trader pays roughly 72k-80k a month on a 40 year payment plan. Is it me, or does this seem near impossible unless I give my players a fully loaded ship of cargo and passengers every session? (which usually can last up to a month since each jump is one week) With this much debt, why does anyone go free trading at all? Are there any legitimate excuses I can call on to lower my player's payments?
Also, does anyone know where I can find a copy of GT Far Trader? It's out of print, but I still want to see if its new economics rules will help any bit. If not, is there any place can I find those new ship economics rules?
As it stands, my initial calculation says that the owner of a free trader pays roughly 72k-80k a month on a 40 year payment plan. Is it me, or does this seem near impossible unless I give my players a fully loaded ship of cargo and passengers every session? (which usually can last up to a month since each jump is one week) With this much debt, why does anyone go free trading at all? Are there any legitimate excuses I can call on to lower my player's payments?
Also, does anyone know where I can find a copy of GT Far Trader? It's out of print, but I still want to see if its new economics rules will help any bit. If not, is there any place can I find those new ship economics rules?