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{PREVIEW} Merchant Class

shamefull the way you all tease us this way....you know know how hard it is to clean anticipatory drool off a keyboard?....

HOW SOON? <I WANT IT, i want it, ...>


future Anxious Vargr merchant.....
YOu need a Str 12 and Int 14

OR make a Wisdom check DC 8

That Wisdom check is pretty easy to make (65% if you have Wisdom 10).
Originally posted by Anthony:
Bog. You need a strength of 12 to buy and sell stuff at a profit?
No, but if you've a strong back and a sharp mind, SOME tramp will hire you! You might not be buyng and selling, but moving cargo has other meanings, too.

"Hey, Doofus, Move those pallets of break bulk back against the aft bulkhead! And make them fit as tight as you can!" has been heard in more than one tramp both real and gamed...
I think I have asked (and received an answer) to this before, but alas I can't dig it up now:

What ARE the core classes now? Obviously, the merchant wasn't a choice in the core cclasses summary, and I could have sworn I saw a revised list somewhere.

Edit: Answered my own question. Found this quote over on ENWorld... and my replies to it, so that is obviously where I saw it:

There are actually some 17 classes in total, as of the current playtest version:

9 Core Classes: Academic, Barbarian, Belter, Mercenary, Merchant, Noble, Professional, Rogue, and Traveller

4 Service Classes: Army, Navy, Marines, and Scouts

4 Prestige Classes: TAS Field Reporter, Big Game Hunter, Ace Pilot, and Psionicist.
Which begs the questions:
What exactly is a "service class"?
Why three classes for "modern soldiers" (i.e., mercenary, army, marines)?
What is a "Traveller"?
Any chance of seeing a mini expose on these like the old core classes preview? ;)
Originally posted by Psion:
I think I have asked (and received an answer) to this before, but alas I can't dig it up now:

What ARE the core classes now? Obviously, the merchant wasn't a choice in the core cclasses summary, and I could have sworn I saw a revised list somewhere.
Core Classes

Prestige Classes
Big Game Hunter
TAS Reporter
Ace Pilot

BTW, Psion please contact me via email (grip@RPGRealms.com)

Ooops... guess I edited my post just about the time you replied!

Anyway, contacted as requested!
Originally posted by Psion:
Which begs the questions:
What exactly is a "service class"?
Why three classes for "modern soldiers" (i.e., mercenary, army, marines)?
What is a "Traveller"?
Any chance of seeing a mini expose on these like the old core classes preview? ;)
Well scratch the Psionicist prestige class. It was dropped with a rework of the Psionics. Look for it in a future Psionics supplement.

A service class is one that requires the character to spend at least one term in the appropriate Prior History.

There are three classes for modern soldiers because they each have a different purpose. Army is for ground actions planetside, usually long term. Marines are the shock troops, usually short term operations with the Army following for any long term operations. Mercenaries will cover many different types of operations.

A Traveller is someone who spends the majority of their life among the stars, moving from place to place and often from job to job.

Originally posted by hunter:
A Traveller is someone who spends the majority of their life among the stars, moving from place to place and often from job to job.
What would be the parallel in CT? Would it be "typical CT post-career adventurer"?
Originally posted by Psion:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by hunter:
A Traveller is someone who spends the majority of their life among the stars, moving from place to place and often from job to job.
What would be the parallel in CT? Would it be "typical CT post-career adventurer"?
</font>[/QUOTE]Heheh basically.
