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Prestigue Class?

Has anyone drawn up a Commando prestige class and if so could I please get a copy? Thanks.
Prestige Class - Commando

Requirements: To become a Commando, a character must meet the following requirements:
Attributes: Strength 12+, Dexterity 12+, Constitution 10+
BAB: +4
Skills: Survival 3+, Sense Motive 3+
Feats: Improved Unarmed Combat
Stanima Dice: d10 + Con modifier per level

Attack Fort Ref Wil
Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +1 +1 +1 +1 Bonus Feat - Brawling
2nd +2 +2 +2 +2 Bonus Feat - Combat Reflexes
3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Bonus Feat - Dodge
4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Bonus Feat - Mobility
5th +5 +5 +5 +5 Stunning Blow

Stunning Blow: A commando with this ability has the ability to stun a created damaged by his unarmed attacks. A commando must declare use of this attack before making the attack roll. If successful, the attack does no damage but the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or be stunned for 1 round.

Commando Class Skills
Class Skill Key Ability
Balance Dex
Bribery Cha
Bluff Cha
Demolitions Dex
Driving Dex
Gambling Int
Gather Information Cha
Hide Dex
Jump Str
Leader Int/Cha
Liason Cha
Listen Wis
Move Silently Dex
P/Administration Wis
Pilot Int/Dex
Recruiting Edu
Search Int
Sense Motive Wis
Spot Wis
Survival Wis
Technical (any*) Edu
Tumble Dex

*Communications, Computer, Electronics, Gravitics, Mechanical, Medical, or Sensors

Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier
Okay, for anyone who does NOT know what a commando is, perhaps you could briefly describe them and their role in the Traveller universe.
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> Base
Attack Fort Ref Will
Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +1 +1 +1 +1 Bonus Feat - Brawling
2nd +2 +2 +2 +2 Bonus Feat - Combat Reflexes
3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Bonus Feat - Dodge
4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Bonus Feat - Mobility
5th +5 +5 +5 +5 Stunning Blow</pre>[/QUOTE]
I'd give the Commando stuning blow early..but base the DC FORT save on a base nuber plus his lvl as a commando...so DC 15+lvl...so by 5th lvl he's very good at it. Even a raw recruit can be taught a stunning blow technique..he/she is just not as good at it has the MAster Sargeant is...

Just a thought...

The Man Behind the Curtain
For Commando think Royal Marines, US Army Rangers, etc. Strongly skilled inflitrators and combatants, but still fighting troops, not special forces in the SAS/Delta/Navy Seals sense of the meaning. (well the strict British military definition puts the Royal Marines as Commandos and the SAS/SBS as Special Forces - be aware lightsenshi may have meant this to be a Special Forces-type PRestige Class and I misundestood him).

IMHO each Special Forces group should have its own Prestige Class.

Light senshi:
I disagree with the all-combat nature of the Feats. As commandos regularly operate behind enemy lines in small to medium groups combat is thier last option unless from ambush or suprise assault. Survival and stealth should be the priority, but with a strong combat training to back it.

The dodge/mobility combo specifically jumps out at me - mobility is all about attacks of opprotunity, and commandos should not need to worry about those if they are doing thier job properly.

Here's my take on the Commando Prestige Class (Royal Marines / US Army Rangers -type game-ified a little).

Requirements: To become a Commando, a character must meet the following requirements:
Attributes: Strength 12+, Dexterity 12+, Constitution 14+, Intelligence 10+, Wisdom 10+
BAB: +4
Skills: Hide 3 ranks, Move Silently 3 ranks, Survival 4 ranks, Swim 2 ranks
Feats: Endurance
Other: Must have served at least one term in Army, Marines or Mercenary prior history

Stamina Dice: d10 + Con modifier per level

[Edit: Included the table Reginald did.]
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +1 +1 +1 Behind Enemy Lines
2nd +2 +2 +2 +2 Trained Speciality
3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Feat (Improved Unarmed Strike)
4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Trained Speciality
5th +5 +5 +5 +5 Defensive Roll</pre>[/QUOTE]Starting Feats:
Armour Proficiency (Light)
Armour Proficiency (Medium)
Iron Will
Weapon Proficiency (Combat Rifleman)
Weapon Proficiency (Lasers)
Weapon Proficiency (Marksman)
Weapon Proficiency (Swordsman)


Behind Enemy Lines - The Commando must operate behind enemy lines and in unfamiliar terrain. The Commando receives +2 bonus to Spot and Survival rolls.

Trained Speciality - Many Commandos learn specialised skills useful in thier mission, and cross-train with those in thier team. The Commando receives a Feat or Ability dependant upon his specialisation (irrespective of prerequesites). The same speciality may not be selected twice.
Demolitions - Amount of damage to breach or destroy and object (see THB page 156) is reduced by 20%.
Forward Observer - +3 to Forward Observer and T/Comms skill rolls (must have Forward Observer skill)
Infiltrator - Stealthy Feat
Medic - Surgery Feat (must have T/Medical skill)
Point Man - Improved Initiative Feat (must have Spot skill)
Rifleman - Rapid Shot Feat
Signaller - EW Specialist Feat
Sniper - Sniper Feat
Team Leader - Tactics Feat (must have Leader skill)

Improved Unarmed Strike - The Commando receives the Feat of the same name

Defensive Roll - The same as the Mercenary class ability of the same name

Class Skills:
Combat Engineering
Forward Observer
Intuit Direction
Move Silently
Techincal (Communications, Medical, Sensors)

Skill points: (5+Int Bonus) per level

If any levels of this Prestige Class are taken in Prior History increase all Survival DCs in the following term by 2 and decrease all XP bonus and Decoration DCs by 1.
The Prestige Class may only be taken whilst serving as a commando with a military or mercenary unit. Further levels may be taken only when commando activities or training are being undertaken regularly.
Shane McLean's Commando Prestige Class Table
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +1 +1 +1 Behind Enemy Lines
2nd +2 +2 +2 +2 Trained Speciality
3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Feat (Improved Unarmed Strike)
4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Trained Speciality
5th +5 +5 +5 +5 Defensive Roll</pre>[/QUOTE]
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This is a long one....

I like it (esp. Shane's), but there are a few things that should probably be different for the sake of game balance.

First of all, in the official D20 stuff, there is no prestige class you can qualify for before level 5, which means you can never take a prestige class before level 6.

T20 follows this trend (Almost. Technically a Lvl 4 Marine with the Martial Training feat will have BAB +5 at 4th level, and can then take Big Game Hunter at 5th level, which is a level early. My fix for this would be to say Martial Training gives a +1 to hit, but not as BAB.)
So I would raise the entry requirements to +5 BAB minimum, or raise at least one of the skill requirements to 8 ranks (hide and/or survival seem like a good candidate for "Special Forces" type commandos).

Another option would be to require enough feats that only a 5th level character could have them all (which is more difficult with T20's broad selection of applicible bonus feats)

You might also consider limiting the commando class to characters who roll a certain duty assignment in prior history (making it somewhat similar to CT's Commandos)

Of course, you could apply a combination of the above as well.

Also, Stat requirements are usually odd numbers, to give the players more incentive to raise stats to odd numbers (otherwise players concentrate on turning odds to evens to improve their stat bonuses)

Now onto the issue of beefyness...

Again, according to game balance standards, a prestige class should be perhaps slightly beefier than a character of the same level who's taken only the base classes, at the cost of being slightly more specialized. As the classes are currently written, The Commando gets more bonus feats and more skill points than a marine or merc, plus a larger skill selection. Otherwise, their bonuses are similar. I'd give the Commando the better skill points, but the same number of bonus feats as marine/merc (every other level). You might also cut down the available skills, depending on whether this is a "Special Forces" type commando or a "Royal Marines" type commando.

There was a good article about the process of designing prestige classes in Dragon Magazine #274 ("Class Acts" article). If you have access to it, I'd strongly recommend giving it a read.

Ok, I'm done now.
Originally posted by Vanguard:
This is a long one....

Even longer now.... ;)

T20 follows this trend (Almost. Technically a Lvl 4 Marine with the Martial Training feat

Marines can't take the Martial Training Feat.

So I would raise the entry requirements to +5 BAB minimum, or raise at least one of the skill requirements to 8 ranks (hide and/or survival seem like a good candidate for "Special Forces" type commandos).

The Hide and Move Silently skills are cross-class both for Army and Marines, Swim for all, and Survival for Mercenaries only. This, and the low skill points of Marines and Mercs mean that you need a high Int, or extreme specialisation to get the class - which fits.
There are 20 skill points of requirements for the Army class (5 levels @ Int 10) but BAB doesn't hit until 6th, 20 skill points for the Marine (10 levels @ Int 10), and 18 for Mercenary (9 levels @ Int 10). And that is focussing all the skills.

At higher Ints it drops, but even at 18 Int never lower than level 4 to qualify, 5 to take (again 100% specialising).

*But*, I see the commando in this sense as being a much more Army-oriented thing, 'cause the Marines are organised differently. Mercs who are ex-army also fill this role. My Marine Commando prestige class will differ some and specialise in lightning attacks, boarding action, and high-tech warfare.

You might also consider limiting the commando class to characters who roll a certain duty assignment in prior history (making it somewhat similar to CT's Commandos)

The level of specialisation required means that people who work at it can get in at low-middle levels, whereas others only at high levels. Plus in the modern militaries anyone can apply to train as a commando - just not everyone passes (hence the skill-point sucking requirements).

Also, Stat requirements are usually odd numbers, to give the players more incentive to raise stats to odd numbers (otherwise players concentrate on turning odds to evens to improve their stat bonuses)

A good point this. I hadn't thought about that.

Again, according to game balance standards, a prestige class should be perhaps slightly beefier than a character of the same level who's taken only the base classes, at the cost of being slightly more specialized.

Good reasoning, but with the need to spend the lion's share of skill points on certain skills, and use a Feat on what many people see as a "useless" one means that you have to specialise to get the class, limiting your other abilities. Also remember the penalty to Survival Diffuculty for the next term (and I'm tempted to up it to +4).

There was a good article about the process of designing prestige classes in Dragon Magazine

I read it a while ago and I liked it. However, in T20 not all things are combat-potential balanced. The Academic at lvl 20 will never be as good a fighter as a Marine at level 5. The commando as written is an excellent commando, but not much else.

Ok, I'm done now.

Phew - my fingers are aching! ;)

Thanks for the feedback Vanguard.

My take on Commandos (at least in my campaign :D ) is special forces with an empasis on infiltration and urban warfare.

Requirements: To become a Commando, a character must meet the following requirements:
Attributes: Strength 12+, Dexterity 12+, Constitution 10+
BAB: +4
Skills: Survival 4+, Sense Motive 5+
Feats: Improved Unarmed Combat
Stanima Dice: d10 + Con modifier per level
Other: Must have served at least one term of Army or Marines.

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +1 +1 +1 Stunning Blow
2nd +2 +1 +1 +1 Bonus Feat - Stealthy
3rd +3 +2 +2 +2 Bonus Feat - Brawling
4th +4 +2 +2 +2 Bonus Feat - Alertness
5th +5 +3 +3 +3 Bonus Feat - Uncanny Dodge</pre>[/QUOTE]Stunning Blow: A commando with this ability has the ability to stun a created damaged by his unarmed attacks. A commando must declare use of this attack before making the attack roll. If successful, the attack does no damage but the target must make a Fortitude save (DC 15 + commando level) or be stunned for 1 round.

Class Skill Key Ability
Balance Dex
Bribery Cha
Bluff Cha
Demolitions Dex
Driving Dex
Gambling Int
Gather Information Cha
Hide Dex
Jump Str
Leader Int/Cha
Liason Cha
Listen Wis
Move Silently Dex
P/Administration Wis
Pilot Int/Dex
Recruiting Edu
Search Int
Sense Motive Wis
Spot Wis
Survival Wis
Technical (any*) Edu
Tumble Dex

*Communications, Computer, Electronics, Gravitics, Mechanical, Medical, or Sensors

Skill Points per Level: 4 + Int modifier
Wow, I completely missed the martial training restrictions...

And I forgot about the cross-class skills, that does change things a little. However, we got so caught up talking about Mercs, Marines, and Army that we forgot the lowly barbarian, who has all the required skills as class skills and the same BAB progression as the Merc and Marine (not to mention Endurance as a bonus feat). At first a barbarian commando didn't make sense to me, and then I remembered the Fremen.

Also, a Human Merc 1/Marine 2 with Int 12 can meet all the skill qualifications. By the time this character meets the BAB requirement at 4th level, she will still have 14 skill points to spare after paying all class skill requirements.

All of your other comments make sense to me...but I do still think that the BAB requirement should be raised to 5 to keep any characters from qualifying at L4 and taking it at L5. Somehow I just can't accept a prestige class that breaks that "rule"
And I still think it's just slightly unbalanced...but the rest of the T20 classes aren't quite balanced either.

Don't get me wrong, I still like it...but I'll need to tweak it before I let my munchkin PCs near it.
Yeah, looking at what you are saying there I can see the need to toughen up the requirements a bit, so here is V2 of my Commando Class.

Requirements: To become a Commando, a character must meet the following requirements:
Attributes: Strength 13+, Dexterity 12+, Constitution 14+, Intelligence 10+, Wisdom 11+
BAB: +5
Skills: Hide 4 ranks, Move Silently 4 ranks, Survival 5 ranks, Swim 3 ranks
Feats: Endurance
Other: Must have served at least one term in Army, Marines or Mercenary prior history

Stamina Dice: d10 + Con modifier per level

[Thanks for the table go to Reginald.]

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">code:

BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +1 +1 +1 Behind Enemy Lines
2nd +2 +2 +2 +2 Trained Speciality
3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Feat (Improved Unarmed Strike)
4th +4 +4 +4 +4 Trained Speciality
5th +5 +5 +5 +5 Defensive Roll

-----------------------------------</pre>[/QUOTE]Starting Feats:
Armour Proficiency (Light)
Armour Proficiency (Medium)
Iron Will
Weapon Proficiency (Combat Rifleman)
Weapon Proficiency (Lasers)
Weapon Proficiency (Marksman)
Weapon Proficiency (Swordsman)


Behind Enemy Lines - The Commando must operate behind enemy lines and in unfamiliar terrain. The Commando receives +2 bonus to Spot and Survival rolls.

Trained Speciality - Many Commandos learn specialised skills useful in thier mission, and cross-train with those in thier team. The Commando receives a Feat or Ability dependant upon his specialisation (irrespective of prerequesites). The same speciality may not be selected twice.
Demolitions - Amount of damage to breach or destroy and object (see THB page 156) is reduced by 20%.
Forward Observer - +3 to Forward Observer and T/Comms skill rolls (must have Forward Observer skill)
Infiltrator - Stealthy Feat
Medic - Surgery Feat (must have T/Medical skill)
Point Man - Improved Initiative Feat (must have Spot skill)
Rifleman - Rapid Shot Feat
Signaller - EW Specialist Feat
Sniper - Sniper Feat
Team Leader - Tactics Feat (must have Leader skill)

Improved Unarmed Strike - The Commando receives the Feat of the same name

Defensive Roll - The same as the Mercenary class ability of the same name

Class Skills:
Combat Engineering
Forward Observer
Intuit Direction
Move Silently
Techincal (Communications, Medical, Sensors)

Skill points: (6+Int Bonus) per level

If any levels of this Prestige Class are taken in Prior History increase all Survival DCs in the following term by 4 and decrease all XP bonus and Decoration DCs by 2.
The Prestige Class may only be taken whilst serving as a commando with a military or mercenary unit. Further levels may be taken only when commando activities or training are being undertaken regularly.
I'll do a proper write-up and layout for it ala those in the THB in the next few days, then PDF it.

Anyone care to host a Prestige Class repository?
