Prestige Class Gambler
The Travelers Aide Society supports a league of high stakes gambling competitions for publicity sake. This has led to to creation of high class gamblers as celebrities.
Requirements to become a Gambler are as follows. Soc 12+ Cha 16+ Int 10+ Edu 10+ Gambling ranks 8+ Bluff ranks 5+. TAS membership and the character must not be telepathic. The TAS membership and social standing requirements will be waved if the character successfully enters the TAS annual poker competition, or another one like it. Different worlds will have different games and TAS will host a competition to accommodate every one. Each one is annual but there are enough to make this a year round occurrence. To enter this class with out a TAS membership or Soc 12 the character must enter one of these games and finish in the top 10.
The competition will last several days so you could probably make an entire Champaign around it. And a little murder mystery to spice it up.
Upon entering the Gambler class the character social standing score is automatically raised to 15.
Class Skills
Gather Information
Sense Motive
Slight of hand
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 0 0 0 1 Read opponent
2 0 0 1 2 Skill focus (gambling)
3 0 1 1 2 Arm pouch
4 1 1 2 2 Poker face
5 1 1 2 3 Charm
6 1 2 2 3 Wild tale
7 2 2 3 4 Nimble fingers
8 2 2 3 4 Unnerve opponent
9 2 3 4 5 Well connected
10 3 3 5 6 Air of confidence
</pre>[/QUOTE]Skill points per level 5 + intelligence modifier
Read opponent
The gambler is especially good at reading his opponents thoughts (without the use of psionics. Add +2 to all sense motive checks.
Skill focus (gambling)
Add 2+ to all gambling roles.
Arm pouch
The gambler is skilled at pulling things out of his sleeve. With a successful slight of hand check things will simply appear in in his hand. It could be any thing from the missing card to his royal flush to a flower for the pretty waitress or a small body pistol for the opponent who dosn`t like to lose. Anyone can use an arm holster but the character with this feat gets an initiative bonus of +4 when drawing a weapon in this manner.
Add +2 on all Bluff Bribery Liaison and Entertain checks, +4 when dealing with members of the opposite sex. The gambler may also attempt to use his charm the way another character would use Bribery, this only works on members of the opposite sex. To charm an opponent the gambler makes a charisma ability check plus his gambler class level opposed by the target characters will save. Note it is possible to charm several characters at once, the charisma role is made once for the whole group but the will saves are still done for each individual.
Wild tale
At level six the gambler becomes adapt at coming up with a long winded believable lie. This can be used to keep other players interested in the game (ie they keep loosing money long after they would have wanted to fold). This can also be used as a bonus to the Charm feat. If the gambler failed his charm role by four or less he has at least captured the targets attention. He can then launch into a wonderfully exiting story with himself as the hero of course. During this time he may retry his attempt of charming twice more. For each consecutive attempt the opposing will save gains a bonus +2. This feat can also be used much the same way when coupled with a bluff check. The gambler can attempt to buff someone with the same story a maximum of three times. So when the customs officer asks you about the illegal weaponry under the removable deck plates, a gambler can tell him exacticaly how they (innocently) got there.
Nimble fingers
Add +2 to all slight of hand checks and an additional +2 initiative bonus when drawing a weapon from his arm pouch.
Unnerve opponent
With a successful charisma check vrs will save the opponent is shaken and takes a -2 penalty on all skill checks, -4 on charisma based checks, for the next 2d4 rounds,
Well connected
As per the Traveler class feat.
Air of confidence
Confidence seems to radiate from the character and hang about him like a cloud. Add +2 to all charisma based skills.
The Travelers Aide Society supports a league of high stakes gambling competitions for publicity sake. This has led to to creation of high class gamblers as celebrities.
Requirements to become a Gambler are as follows. Soc 12+ Cha 16+ Int 10+ Edu 10+ Gambling ranks 8+ Bluff ranks 5+. TAS membership and the character must not be telepathic. The TAS membership and social standing requirements will be waved if the character successfully enters the TAS annual poker competition, or another one like it. Different worlds will have different games and TAS will host a competition to accommodate every one. Each one is annual but there are enough to make this a year round occurrence. To enter this class with out a TAS membership or Soc 12 the character must enter one of these games and finish in the top 10.
The competition will last several days so you could probably make an entire Champaign around it. And a little murder mystery to spice it up.
Upon entering the Gambler class the character social standing score is automatically raised to 15.
Class Skills
Gather Information
Sense Motive
Slight of hand
</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;"> Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 0 0 0 1 Read opponent
2 0 0 1 2 Skill focus (gambling)
3 0 1 1 2 Arm pouch
4 1 1 2 2 Poker face
5 1 1 2 3 Charm
6 1 2 2 3 Wild tale
7 2 2 3 4 Nimble fingers
8 2 2 3 4 Unnerve opponent
9 2 3 4 5 Well connected
10 3 3 5 6 Air of confidence
</pre>[/QUOTE]Skill points per level 5 + intelligence modifier
Read opponent
The gambler is especially good at reading his opponents thoughts (without the use of psionics. Add +2 to all sense motive checks.
Skill focus (gambling)
Add 2+ to all gambling roles.
Arm pouch
The gambler is skilled at pulling things out of his sleeve. With a successful slight of hand check things will simply appear in in his hand. It could be any thing from the missing card to his royal flush to a flower for the pretty waitress or a small body pistol for the opponent who dosn`t like to lose. Anyone can use an arm holster but the character with this feat gets an initiative bonus of +4 when drawing a weapon in this manner.
Add +2 on all Bluff Bribery Liaison and Entertain checks, +4 when dealing with members of the opposite sex. The gambler may also attempt to use his charm the way another character would use Bribery, this only works on members of the opposite sex. To charm an opponent the gambler makes a charisma ability check plus his gambler class level opposed by the target characters will save. Note it is possible to charm several characters at once, the charisma role is made once for the whole group but the will saves are still done for each individual.
Wild tale
At level six the gambler becomes adapt at coming up with a long winded believable lie. This can be used to keep other players interested in the game (ie they keep loosing money long after they would have wanted to fold). This can also be used as a bonus to the Charm feat. If the gambler failed his charm role by four or less he has at least captured the targets attention. He can then launch into a wonderfully exiting story with himself as the hero of course. During this time he may retry his attempt of charming twice more. For each consecutive attempt the opposing will save gains a bonus +2. This feat can also be used much the same way when coupled with a bluff check. The gambler can attempt to buff someone with the same story a maximum of three times. So when the customs officer asks you about the illegal weaponry under the removable deck plates, a gambler can tell him exacticaly how they (innocently) got there.
Nimble fingers
Add +2 to all slight of hand checks and an additional +2 initiative bonus when drawing a weapon from his arm pouch.
Unnerve opponent
With a successful charisma check vrs will save the opponent is shaken and takes a -2 penalty on all skill checks, -4 on charisma based checks, for the next 2d4 rounds,
Well connected
As per the Traveler class feat.
Air of confidence
Confidence seems to radiate from the character and hang about him like a cloud. Add +2 to all charisma based skills.