Hi All,
(This one has got me miffed. I did see something written about this in the MegaTraveller ruleset but have not seen anything for TNE. Also don't know if an old thread has already covered this issue.)
How long would it take to start up a Fusion Powerplant from dead cold? I'd take it that the time would vary depending on numerous different factors. Some would be as follows:
- Size of plant
- TL of the plant
- Number of crew operators overlooking the process
- Current service level with wear and tear on the plant
I can think of others.
Had a situation (scenario) a little while back where a Fusion powerplant had to be crash started due to an impending emergency situation.
Can a craft with a Fusion Powerplant start operations as the powerplant is still in the process of powering up to full output capacity?
What about other types of power plants? eg: Fission and MHDs (or is it HMDs?). (I would assume an Internal Combustion Engine startup time would be a matter of seconds: Jump into the driver's seat, turn the key to crank the engine, floor the accelerator as soon as the engine fires.)
What are your thoughts on this for your universes?
Regards, Dave
(This one has got me miffed. I did see something written about this in the MegaTraveller ruleset but have not seen anything for TNE. Also don't know if an old thread has already covered this issue.)
How long would it take to start up a Fusion Powerplant from dead cold? I'd take it that the time would vary depending on numerous different factors. Some would be as follows:
- Size of plant
- TL of the plant
- Number of crew operators overlooking the process
- Current service level with wear and tear on the plant
I can think of others.
Had a situation (scenario) a little while back where a Fusion powerplant had to be crash started due to an impending emergency situation.
Can a craft with a Fusion Powerplant start operations as the powerplant is still in the process of powering up to full output capacity?
What about other types of power plants? eg: Fission and MHDs (or is it HMDs?). (I would assume an Internal Combustion Engine startup time would be a matter of seconds: Jump into the driver's seat, turn the key to crank the engine, floor the accelerator as soon as the engine fires.)
What are your thoughts on this for your universes?
Regards, Dave