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Possible PDFs?


SOC-14 1K

Bastion Press does the scanning for the ESDs of old TSR products. I was taking a look on their schedule pdf today and noticed on the 18th page listings of pretty much all the Twilight 2000 products.

"Products listed with ALL CALL in the located section mean that we're asking for help in locating these products.
If you have this product in good or mint condition (no tears, drawings, or scribblings) and want to donate it
to the cause, please contact Jim Butler (jimbutler@bastionpress.com)."

Now there is also listings for Dangerous Journeys products so it looks like they're at least looking into doing non-TSR products.

If so, this could be very kewl. They've done a decent job on the TSR books, and most are around $5. I'd still prefer to get the reprints from Far Future but wouldn't mind picking up some of the guides and other often referenced books along with the main rules in PDF as well.

I just sent Bastion an email about this.

"Products listed with ALL CALL in the located section mean that we're asking for help in locating these products.
If you have this product in good or mint condition (no tears, drawings, or scribblings) and want to donate it
to the cause, please contact Jim Butler (jimbutler@bastionpress.com)."
I have almost everything for first ed T2k... but the scanning process destroys the item more or less (binding broken and pages removed). And I'm really reluctant to part with my books
Strange. If they're PDFing it you'd think Far Futures would be supplying it. Not sure if reprinting is the way to go. Maybe all of the stuff should be PDF downloads for sale.

Yeah, that's odd. Since FarFuture is putting out the reprints, you would have thought they would not allow Bastion to do the pdf's. But obviously they have.
Then again the reprints will be already printed. The pdf's will take a lot of paper for an individual to print out themselves.

As it is, besides some of the Challenge articles, I just need the modules 'Red Star, Lone Star', and 'Satellite Down'. so the pdf's will do for me.
Originally posted by Ellros:
[QB]Yeah, that's odd. Since FarFuture is putting out the reprints, you would have thought they would not allow Bastion to do the pdf's. But obviously they have.
Then again the reprints will be already printed. The pdf's will take a lot of paper for an individual to print out themselves. [QB]
Caveat, the books are listed as ALL CALL and the file is several months old. So don't hold your breath or anything. But I wouldn't mind a backup pdf copy and I like to do quick lookups on pdf if I'm working at the computer already or just need a quick printout.

And this is the response I got from Bastion:
Subject: RE: Twilight 2000 ESDs?

Thanks for the offer, but right now we're not doing any more scanning work for
WotC beyond a few leftover D&D products...

Good Gaming!

Jim Butler, President
Bastion Press, Inc.
To which I prommptly replied with a errr this isn't a TSR, D&D, or WotC product. Though I'd like to see some more of the non-D&D TSR games.

Yeah, WotC put a halt to allowing scanning of the ESD's for some reason. Most likely something to do with the big bosses at Hasbro (who, btw, don't know squat about the RPG gaming industry. All they care about is money, not customer enjoyment or satisfaction).
Perhaps, it has to do with all the illegal versions running around on Kazaa.

Hasbro's grip on the RPG market is premised on D&D being the brand name that will sell. Let us get us together and create a conspiracy that would put Traveller on top...

Seriously, though, the more information that is out there for free the better we can hope for our hobby. Therefore, go to local places where potential gamers hang out, and spread the word.

Has anyone got there T2000 reprints, yet?
I'm looking forward to the reprints of v.1 as most of mine seem to have grown legs and wandered off. I orginally had two copies of the boxed set, of which I now have only one players book left. The other five books (all of one set and the other two of the first set) have gone MIA
I thought I had read somewhere that the reprints of v.1 would not be ready until sometime in February. Is this true, or is it out already? My local hobby store does a really good job of special ordering for me. But it pretty much has to be out before he can get an order in for it (his distributer is bad about remembering preorders).

I thought that SVGames.com have taken over the ESD conversions of TSR/Wizards OOP products now. I wouldn't think that Jim Butler and Bastion Press would be converting non-TSR products at the time, unless he has permission.

Cite your source.
That's pretty much correct.
From Bastion press website...

WotC ESD Program
Wizards of the Coast has informed us to stop scanning all non-D&D related materials, effective immediately.

While we hope to make a deal with Wizards that would allow us to finish scanning these old products, nothing is in place now. If anything changes, we'll let you know.

Thanks for all of your help and support these last 16 months!

The Scanning Schedule now includes the URL where you can purchase the product through SVGames.com. In addition, we've added the words "ALL CALL" to identify products we're looking for assistance in locating.
Originally posted by Reginald:

I thought that SVGames.com have taken over the ESD conversions of TSR/Wizards OOP products now. I wouldn't think that Jim Butler and Bastion Press would be converting non-TSR products at the time, unless he has permission.

Cite your source.
If you're referring to my initial post, all I did was look at a schedule pdf on Bastion's website. The link is up above. Take a look at the file. I emailed Bastion Press and got a response that didn't answer anything about non-TSR products. Nothing more since then. So I seriously doubt it, but it was listed on their website, at least at one time.

If not, woops.

Since they evidently aren't scanning old TSR products at the moment, maybe they're at least looking into releasing pdf products for other companies. Even if they still were, I would think there would be nothing to stop a company from working on products from more than one another company at a time. They are developing new versions of the game(s), just scanning them in. Anyway, the above's pure speculation on my part.
