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Point buy for T20 characters

Has anyone given thought to adjustments to the point buy totals in the DMG to account for the extra two stats that T20 uses?
Originally posted by Pseudonym:
Has anyone given thought to adjustments to the point buy totals in the DMG to account for the extra two stats that T20 uses?
I tried it last year. I'd recommend not raising point totals too high to "compensate" for the extra stats. T20 character generation provides plenty of opportunities to raise stats, in the character's prior history. I'm preparing another T20 campaign, and this time I'll be giving the players 32 points (avg stat=12) to work with. That might be a bit low, but I'm also allowing them to choose their homeworld, rather than using the random homeworld system in T20. So, most of the PC's will probably have a +1 or +2 Education.

thanx heaps,

I'm preparing another T20 campaign, and this time I'll be giving the players 32 points (avg stat=12)

have you ran into any problems with hight stats. do you run a max with that. I've just ran 3d6 but the points sound good

Would the Stat increase from normal Level Progression be excluded using this system?

Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
Would the Stat increase from normal Level Progression be excluded using this system?

The point-buy system is used for starting stats at first level; it's just an alternate means of generating scores at first level. After that, the characters advance normally, gaining stat increases every 4th level.

Can't remember where the point buy system is in D&D3E either PHB or DMG, d20 Modern has one can't remember on the others. The "Living" campaigns have slightly higher totals it seems. Frankly with Traveller lower stats is better IMO.

Agreed on lower stat ranges. I started with 48 points, divided among nine stats (included Psi, so took 32 from Living City and multiplied by 1.5), and the resulting PCs are pretty gross, mechanically speaking.

Based on my experience, I'd suggest probably 32 to 34 for eight stats, or 34 to 36 for nine (if you wanted to go with Psi as a stat for these purposes, despite what it says on the first page of the Psionics section.)

My next T20 campaign will probably follow these guidelines.

Hope this helps,
My players received 38 points.

My calculus was as follow :

32/6*8 round as you see fit

5.6 * 8 : 44.8

44 felt really too high, 2 stats at 18 (32 points) plus 6 at 10 seemed really too generous.

38 gives :

16 16 14 12 10 10 10 10
10 10 6 4 2 2 2 2
[EDIT second 6 should be a 4]

Which felt all right to me.
If you want an 18 you are going to feel it somewhere else.

18 14 12 10 10 10 10 10
Which is not that bad after all.

My players will receive a random PSI stat at time of testing, anyway it was clear for them since the beginning (to keep the CT feel) : only humans, no Psi.

Second factor (apart from the CT feel) is that we currently don't have prior history for non-imperial characters.

I am working on the Vargr right now as I need them

Originally posted by Fu:
My players received 38 points.

Well, good luck, Fu! I gave my players 39 points for last year's campaign, and it was a mistake--I ended up with some over-powered characters. Fortunately, it's not so hard to balance things out, so some of my NPC's got more points, as well. Overall, it wasn't ideal, but it didn't "ruin" the campaign or anything.

Now I'm working on a new campaign, and designing NPC's with 32 points, which seems to work much better. So that's probably what the PC's will have.

I hate to be a wet blanket (okay, not really ;) ) but any number of build points can be number crunched to make a character "unbalanced". A 32 point character can start with an 18 if you don't mind sacrificing half your points for it and being mediocre at everything else.

Personally, I think the 36 to 40 range sounds fairly comfortable. ^_^
Ah well, there's a part of the problem ;) You're using a 32 point six stat base which is supposed to be for High-powered campaigns. Arguably T20 could be thought of as a High-powered campaign because of the lethality but I think I'd stick to the standard point buy of 25 points for six stats, which works out to the 34 to 38 range you seem to be thinking more reasonable for eight or nine stats.

I offered a point buy variation to my first player but he declined before even hearing it and in the interest of seizing the moment to grab a living player I let him roll. Still I think my method is interesting so I'll share and appreciate any feedback.

My variation uses the default array of 15, 14, 13, 12, 10 and 8 arranged as desired for Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis and Chr with the other stats being dependant on taking appropriate prior history as outlined below.

If you want an advanced Edu go to (prior history) University (start with Edu 8, +/- TL, plus 1d6 when accepted). Those who never attend University have a base Edu 8, +/- TL, and adjusted during character development.

If you want high Soc join the Bureaucracy (Noble prior history IMTU) (start with Soc 8, plus 1d6, first rank promo grants Soc 16 - Knighthood). Those not part of the Bureaucracy have Soc 8, adjusted during character development.

If you want functional Psi find training (start with Psi 8, -1 per term, plus 1d6 roll when tested). Untrained and untested have a Psi 8 (potential), -1 per term, and possibly adjusted during character development.
Originally posted by lightsenshi:
I hate to be a wet blanket (okay, not really ;) ) but any number of build points can be number crunched to make a character "unbalanced". A 32 point character can start with an 18 if you don't mind sacrificing half your points for it and being mediocre at everything else.

Personally, I think the 36 to 40 range sounds fairly comfortable. ^_^
True, but I was "comfortable" with 39 points until I found out one of my players was a power-gaming munchkin from hell. Most of the other players were a bit shocked to see that, and I'm thankful they didn't abuse the extra points.

I wouldn't consider a character "unbalanced" with one 18 and mediocre scores for the rest, as that would involve a pretty serious trade-off. Assuming there will always be a player who insists on doing that, I'd rather they'd do it with 32 points than 40. Meanwhile, everyone else will have a normal character...I hope.
