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Please Help Me Find My Planet!


When I generated my character many years ago for MegaTraveller, I went through their homeworld generation procedures and came up with the results below. I would like to find a planet within the Imperium to match these stats (or at least come close to them). Yesterday I tried using the database at mega-traveller.com , but I could not seem to get it to do what I wanted. If anybody knows a planet matching the below description or a database that would allow me to quickly search for it, I would appreciate it. Again, the imprecision in the terminology stems from the MegaTraveller homeworld generation system. My character has spent a lot of time in the Spinward Marches, but his homeworld need not be in or near the Marches, just within Imperial Space.

Starport: A
Size: Medium
Atmosphere: Thin
Hydro: Dry
Population: Moderate
Law Level: Moderate
Tech Level: 12
Trade Classification: Ri
Originally posted by Captain Tylor:

I would like to find a planet within the Imperium to match these stats (or at least come close to them). If anybody knows a planet matching the below description or a database that would allow me to quickly search for it, I would appreciate it. Again, the imprecision in the terminology stems from the MegaTraveller homeworld generation system. My character has spent a lot of time in the Spinward Marches, but his homeworld need not be in or near the Marches, just within Imperial Space.

Starport: A
Size: Medium
Atmosphere: Thin
Hydro: Dry
Population: Moderate
Law Level: Moderate
Tech Level: 12
Trade Classification: Ri
Size (medium)5-7
Atm-(thin) 4-5**
Hyd-(dry) 0-3
Mod pop (5-7)
Mod law (5-7)
TL-C (12)
Trade: Ri.**

The trouble yer having is gonna be this-Most Ri classified worlds have type 6 or type 8 atnmospheres in MT. A type 5 (thin/ untainted) is possible,but MT sectors I have surveyed in search for you thus far preclude you finding the exact match. economic recessions/ tradewars can lower TL on a planet. Your best bet is to find one with a TL slightly higher (TL-D/13), to explain away the homeworld's new found wealth (it is still a Ri rating yer lookin fer).

Vland:(3117) Altman A361674A N Ni Ri 710 Im A6V
that fits all but the TL, and maybe size.

My suggestion, dinnae get stuck on the numbers!
Find the closest fit, and run with it. you can explain away law level differences-hey the local govt cracked down and up it went!
Or you can say, it used to have more water, but due to a solar movement/ primary orbit alteration/ increased popualtion/ natural disaster, water is scarcer now...or the reverse-
water creation processes have replenished/ been returned, etc..
thin atmosphere thickened thru centuries of terraforming...and so on, etc etal.

REFT sector-P (on the Ilelish/Verge side of Great reft:
(3134) Dlaekan A383657D Ni Ri 202 IM G4V M6D
Homeworld of the Tapmazal minor human race. Fits everything but atmosphere, and TL (hey they're rich, right?!)

try that on fer size

Datrumna (1203/Massilia)A362686-D Ni Ri 403 Im F1V

A wee dryer/ thinner air that one..but sme size too.

Or this one (also massilia sector):
Nauto (1613) A76279A-C N Ri A104 Im F3 D M6 D
(Okies the law level is higher, but its in right size.)

Or this one:(massilia again)
Murland 2918 A564659-C Ni Ri Ag 502 Im M3 V
a tad more wet, mod sized, law is a wee too high tho).
Thanks, Liam! I knew I could count on ye! Of those you listed, I think Nauto is the one that fits the most of my criteria.

This is supposed to be Dmitri's home planet, but I dinnae think I had to tell you that! :D
Captain Tyler - when you get all set up on this planet, "good ole Trader jim" will be more than happy to open a nice inexpensive store and COFFEE JUICE CAFE!!!! :D :eek: