Mr. Elrick,
I printed out you article and further perused it last night. (I'm one of those elderly fogies who are more comfortable reading on paper than a screen!) It's a good article, full of good stuff, and great suggestions. However, because I'm a wretched old poop, I do have two minor nits to pick...
First - The Vargr are NOT colorblind. CT's 'TTA'; in which a detailed look at the Vargr and a Vargr chargen first appear, doesn't say they are colorblind. The follow-on CT Vargr Alien Module doesn't say they are colorblind. MT's 'V&V'; which gives us an incrediably detailed look at the Vargr, doesn't say they are colorblind. In fact, 'V&V' specifically mentions a Vargr seeing color in its 'Playing a Vargr as a PC' sidebars.
The Vargr have different ideas about fashion, yes. They have different ideas about which colors 'go' together, yes. But they are not colorblind.
This all boils down to long-running idea that "Vargr equals Dog". Loren Wiseman must deal with this quarterly on the TML. The Vargr are NOT dogs. They were engineered from the same root stock as dogs, but they are not dogs. Chocolate is not poisonous to them, they are not colorblind, they do not eat their own vomit, and they do not sniff each others' asses instead of shaking hands, and they cannot lick their own balls. Vargr are not dogs, anymore than we are chimpanzees or Aslan are cats.
That's right, Aslan aren't cats, so that bag of catnip and the big fluffy yarn ball aren't going to stop them from kicking your ass.
Second - The Hivers are not pacifists, they are physical cowards. There is a vast difference between those two terms. In one sentence you mention that the Hivers are pacifists and then a few sentences later you mention they use subject races for various tasks. Pacifists with subjects races? Pacifists who manipulate? Sure.
The Hivers have no problem with violence as long as someone else is dishing it out and someone else is taking it. Preferably, those dishing it out will be following Hiver orders and slapping around those the Hivers believe deserve it. As physical cowards, the Hivers have no trouble with violence as long as they are physicially distant from it; either in space or time. The Hivers manipulate others to perform the intimately physical violence Hivers cannot bring themselves to commit. They also have little trouble crewing naval vessels, vessel's whose weapons inflict violence at great distances.
What's more, the Hiver murder each other just often as we humans do, perhaps even more.
CT's Hiver Alien Module spoke at length about the robust Hiver gastronomic system with it's built antibiotic saliva that allowed the Starfish to blithely chow down on vittles that would normally gag a maggot. Yet, a few paragraphs later, the Hivers express concern over their 'weak bodies', so frail, so primitive, so susceptible to any upset to their poor single, overworked gland. These two statements are quite jarring; the Hivers could regularly dine at Chez Month-Old Road Kill and yet were so delicate that most died of 'disease' or 'glandular problems' rather than old age. Rather odd, isn't it? Many in Our Hobby picked up on it during the CT Era, but there was little but speculation regarding this dichotomy* for years.
Finally, TNE's 'Aliens of the Rim' (which you note as not being available when you wrote your article) solved this mystery. The Hivers aren't falling ill to disease or glandular upsets, instead it seem that the Hivers enjoy POISONING each each other. Remember, you can be a physical coward and still commit murder. You can't be a pacifist and be a murderer though.
The Hivers aren't pacifists. While they can't bring themselves to commit intimate acts of violence, they have no compunctions about manipulating others into violent acts or arranging for violence to occur distant from themselves in space and/or time. They regularly murder each other, either by poison or staged accidents. The Hivers are cowards.
I still like your article and think a version 'brought forward' into T20 would be very well recieved.
* - The authors of the Hiver CT Alien Module may not have built this 'mystery' into the text. The text may have been simply poorly thought through. However, Traveller is game of built in mysteries. It's creators knew the Aslan didn't develope jump drive from the beginning and scattered cluees to that effect in CT. It's creators knew that the Zhos weren't mind rapers depicted in CT too.
BTW, Strephon's death in the Assassination was not a built in mystery. At the beginning of MT, he was the one shot in the Throne Room. Towards the end of MT, it was felt that having him survive would be nice and he was officially resurrected in 'Arrival: Vengence'.