I’ve managed to get a new campaign going, and am planning to run the players through one of my favourite CT adventures: Leviathan. Naturally, I’m not planning to run it as written – I never had any use for the ship, and would like the PCs to be masters of their own destiny. So, I came up with this. (I’m still looking for a player for the campaign; alternate Sundays in London, England. Contact me at Methuslah@tongue.fsnet.co.uk if interested.)
The players (four) will have two characters each; essential because they will start out with a small two-ship line running out of Pax Rulin subsector. The ships; a Free Trader and a Scout, (both of which will be gained during character generation), giving them flexibility. The basic concept is that a group of old friends decided to pool their resources upon retirement, and that this turned out to be considerably more than they had hoped. Naturally, the Free Trader is of greater immediate use and shall be the focus of the first session.
Before play begins, the owner of the Free Trader has used his connections to pick up a coup; a mail contract for the Berengaria Run in Pax Rulin. It ties the ship to a specific route, but means a guaranteed payment at each port. I’ll have a little fun in this adventure with unusual cargos, an attempted hijacking, and so forth, but the main item will be a misjump, that will take the PCs to open space – hex 0603 of Egyrn subsector. They will be saved by the discovery of a large, floating ice object; allowing them to refuel and get back to the nearest planet – it will be a difficult trip back though, as they have to pass two Red Zone worlds to get anywhere near civilization. It will, however, give them something valuable – Jump-2 access to almost all of Egyrn subsector – exclusive access to a dozen new worlds.
(I was thinking about this for a while before setting up the campaign; why would Egyrn subsector be unexploited? The simple answer is economics – no Jump-2 route into most of the subsector, no populations large enough to bother with and an aggressive local pocket empire. Nothing for the big companies, but a small outfit might be able to make a killing!)
So the campaign proceeds from there. One set of PCs in Pax Rulin, conducting the usual Free Trader business and building up enough money to buy a Far Trader to exploit their new worlds, and another set in Egyrn, exploring the new worlds and getting into trouble. Of course, by the time the PCs have begun to get their business up and running, the Fifth Frontier War will be about to start….
So, what do you think? Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions?
The players (four) will have two characters each; essential because they will start out with a small two-ship line running out of Pax Rulin subsector. The ships; a Free Trader and a Scout, (both of which will be gained during character generation), giving them flexibility. The basic concept is that a group of old friends decided to pool their resources upon retirement, and that this turned out to be considerably more than they had hoped. Naturally, the Free Trader is of greater immediate use and shall be the focus of the first session.
Before play begins, the owner of the Free Trader has used his connections to pick up a coup; a mail contract for the Berengaria Run in Pax Rulin. It ties the ship to a specific route, but means a guaranteed payment at each port. I’ll have a little fun in this adventure with unusual cargos, an attempted hijacking, and so forth, but the main item will be a misjump, that will take the PCs to open space – hex 0603 of Egyrn subsector. They will be saved by the discovery of a large, floating ice object; allowing them to refuel and get back to the nearest planet – it will be a difficult trip back though, as they have to pass two Red Zone worlds to get anywhere near civilization. It will, however, give them something valuable – Jump-2 access to almost all of Egyrn subsector – exclusive access to a dozen new worlds.
(I was thinking about this for a while before setting up the campaign; why would Egyrn subsector be unexploited? The simple answer is economics – no Jump-2 route into most of the subsector, no populations large enough to bother with and an aggressive local pocket empire. Nothing for the big companies, but a small outfit might be able to make a killing!)
So the campaign proceeds from there. One set of PCs in Pax Rulin, conducting the usual Free Trader business and building up enough money to buy a Far Trader to exploit their new worlds, and another set in Egyrn, exploring the new worlds and getting into trouble. Of course, by the time the PCs have begun to get their business up and running, the Fifth Frontier War will be about to start….
So, what do you think? Any thoughts, ideas, suggestions?