Bob Weaver
I have seen many a discussion on these boards of the operation of pirates, in canon and non-canon settings. Mostly the discussion centers on what the pirates do. My question is, what are they flying? Do pirates in YTU operate 600-800 ton corsairs and attack PC ships, or do they fly 10-20 Ktn modified transports and attack the huge bulk carriers that move the majority of the goods between planets? The current thread here in "The Fleet" about battle riders vs. battleships mentions using riders in anti-piracy patrols. This rather assumes that pirates can operate large vessels. Otherwise, a spinal-armed cruiser as pirate hunter is a terrible mis-allocation of naval assets. This in turn assumes that pirates in these big ships go after large cargo ships. (why have them else?) If so, why would they bother with tiny Type A Free Traders? Further, I don't recall anything in canon about pirates operating large vessels.
So what am I missing? I'm not advocating one 'size' or the other, I'm just curious about what others have done in their games.
Best Regards,
Bob Weaver
So what am I missing? I'm not advocating one 'size' or the other, I'm just curious about what others have done in their games.
Best Regards,
Bob Weaver