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Picture of the Day

Andrew Boulton

The Adminator
I'm having a tidy up, and getting some older, unseen pics online. The first one isn't Traveller, it's more Doctor Who and the Planet of the Tellytubbies...

<szhooom szhooom szhooom>

A new thing has appeared in the Telletubbie's world. It is blue. It has a pretty light on top. It makes a fun noise and appears from nowhere, like magic!

Another new thing opens the door of the blue thing and steps out. It is many colours, not one colour like the Telletubbies. It is tall. It makes funny noises too. Then it goes back inside the blue thing closes the door and the blue thing makes it's funny noise again and disappears like magic!

<szhooom szhooom szhooom>

"Again! Again!" shout the Telletubbies in unison.

<szhooom szhooom szhooom>

A new thing has appeared in the Telletubbie's world. It is blue. It has a pretty light on top. It makes a fun noise and appears from nowhere, like magic!

Another new thing opens the door of the blue thing and steps out. It is many colours, not one colour like the Telletubbies. It is tall. It makes funny noises too. Then it goes back inside the blue thing closes the door and the blue thing makes it's funny noise again and disappears like magic!

<szhooom szhooom szhooom>

"Again! Again!" shout the Telletubbies in unison.


Will the Doctor ever escape the clutches of the Telletubbies and their superior time control? Or will he be forever trapped in this endless recursive loop until they tire of him and his Tardis?

Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
God, what have I started...?:)
Well, Andrew, I was looking at the Beep's Doctor Who website and Russell was talking about building the franchaise into integrative interlocking parts, so that the story arc can be told over several different programs eg. Torchlight & Doctor Who Jr.

So you are merely trying to a programme that will appeal to my 19mth son and me...who has been watching Doctor Who for about 19yrs...
Doctor Who... Junior... :confused:

Please, tell me they aren't serious, that is just stupid. I mean really really stupid. So stupid in fact that I can only imagine it is in all seriousness, serious. It sounds like something the American network big wigs in all their collective IQ point would come up with. I had no idea the British network had been infiltrated.

Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
God, what have I started...?

Hey, I'd pay good money to watch the Daleks exterminate the Tinky-Winky, Po and the rest.

But only if they would go after the Boo-Bahs next.
Originally posted by Jim Fetters:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Andrew Boulton:
God, what have I started...?

Hey, I'd pay good money to watch the Daleks exterminate the Tinky-Winky, Po and the rest.

But only if they would go after the Boo-Bahs next.
</font>[/QUOTE]then the doctor would have to adopt noo-noo. poor k9.
Actually according to some rumours going around the 'net, this is actually a prelude to a separate programme which would be a more kiddy friendly Dr. Who...probably animated rather than live action. Afterall, there is a petition to get K9 & Company a regular time spot given the sucess of the Big Finish - Liz Sladen CDs...what better vehicle than the story of mechanical dog solving alien threats and a trusted adolescent under the wing of Auntie Sarah.
Originally posted by Jim Fetters:
Hey, I'd pay good money to watch the Daleks exterminate the Tinky-Winky, Po and the rest.

But only if they would go after the Boo-Bahs next.
The Boo-Bahs would creep out even the Daleks. :eek: There'd be no contest.
"Hey, I'd pay good money to watch the Daleks exterminate the Tinky-Winky, Po and the rest."
"The Boo-Bahs would creep out even the Daleks. [Eek!] There'd be no contest."

I agree, the Daleks would not stand a chance.