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PDF Authors


SOC-14 1K
Gentles, could everyone please check in with a progress update?
Also, I need an author for a PDF release - a collection of "template" NPCs, eg "Typical Corporate Security Guard", "Street Thug" etc.

I suggested doing a set of Template NPC's to Hunter a while back and would be more than happy to volunteer as an author for a PDF on that subject. I create these all the time anyway and have sent out about 1000 copies of my D&D3e versions already.

Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson
Okay. How about you come up with a list of must-have entries, and we'll discuss from there...?
I'm getting a list together, and have come up with an important question. THere are two ways of handling this.

1) Level by Level chart, i.e., just like in the 3e DMG for the "Standard NPCs"--this would have 20 levels for each template, more complete but less useful as a play aid. So you could have "Infantry Soldier" and have a single large table with all stats etc for 20 levels.

In sum, it would be more like a Monster Manual entry.

2) Stat Block: have a complete stat block in an index-card format complete with equipment and equipment stats. If they're printable onto cards they make a first rate play aid that is easily consultable during play.

In sum, it would be more like a sa block form an adventure module.

Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrSkull:
I'm getting a list together, and have come up with an important question. THere are two ways of handling this.

1) Level by Level chart, i.e., just like in the 3e DMG for the "Standard NPCs"--this would have 20 levels for each template, more complete but less useful as a play aid. So you could have "Infantry Soldier" and have a single large table with all stats etc for 20 levels.

In sum, it would be more like a Monster Manual entry.

2) Stat Block: have a complete stat block in an index-card format complete with equipment and equipment stats. If they're printable onto cards they make a first rate play aid that is easily consultable during play.

In sum, it would be more like a sa block form an adventure module.


As a GM, I'd recommend you go with the second version. If I am going to use this resource, the real bang for my buck comes from pulling out a character sheet for someone who drops into my game. Having somthing that is readily prinbtable (even if only a half or a third of a page) is MUCH more usefule to me than another bulky look-up table.

One way to simplify this is to only render a stat block for some of the levels (no need for all 20). Maybe its the odd levels up to 11, then one at 15 and the last at 20.

Never Trust a Smiling DM.
I. Average NPC’s: these are typical NPC’s encountered with ability scores in the 10-12 range. These are used for average enemies used in combat encounters, e.g., employees of the players and villains. Each entry is detailed at level 3, 6 and 9

Guard/Policeman (Mid Tech)
Guard/Policeman (High Tech)
Urban Thug

Naval Crew
Merchant Crew
Scout Crew
Pirate Crew
Vargr Corsair Crew

Barbarian Guard
Low Tech Infantry
Mid Tech Infantry
High Tech Infantry
Marine (tech 12)
Marine (tech 14)
Mid Tech Vehicle Crew
High Tech Vehicle Crew
Aircraft Crew
Mid Tech Mercenary
High Tech Mercenary

II. Elite NPC: these are characters with ability scores in the same range as player characters, used for leaders, officers, crack troops and more difficult opponents. Each type is described at levels 5, 10 and 15. They are also suitable as pre-generated PC’s.

Marine Elite (tech 12)
Marine Elite(tech 14)
Army Elite (low tech)
Army Elite (mid tech)
Army Elite (high tech)
Barbarian Elite
Mercenary Elite (mid tech)
Mercenary Elite (high tech)
Master Criminal
Navy Elite
Scout Elite
Pirate elite
Corsair Elite
Merchant Elite
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:
Gentles, could everyone please check in with a progress update?
Also, I need an author for a PDF release - a collection of "template" NPCs, eg "Typical Corporate Security Guard", "Street Thug" etc.

Do you need starting adventures?


SOLSEC makes Echelon look like a joke!

Can you mail me the outline direct?

It looks good, we just need to agree some surrounding content (how to use.. and typical equipment) and we can launch...
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MJD:

Can you mail me the outline direct?

It looks good, we just need to agree some surrounding content (how to use.. and typical equipment) and we can launch...

The answer is no. I don't know you're e-mail address. Mine is avenelso@aol.com if you want to send a mail to me so I can send the outline back (if your address is a big secret).

Dave "Dr. Skull" Nelson
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DrSkull:

The answer is no. I don't know you're e-mail address. Mine is avenelso@aol.com if you want to send a mail to me so I can send the outline back (if your address is a big secret).


Send it to travsub@travellerrpg.com, he'll get it.

Where can we buy the PDF's? I reall want to get Traveller's Aide #1 (especially if Bryan Gibson is doing artwork for it!) as soon as it's available.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by apoc527:
Where can we buy the PDF's? I reall want to get Traveller's Aide #1 (especially if Bryan Gibson is doing artwork for it!) as soon as it's available.

Hoping to have it available for sale tomorrow evening. Waiting for the final corrections to arrive via email in the morning.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hunter:
Hoping to have it available for sale tomorrow evening. Waiting for the final corrections to arrive via email in the morning.


Does this mean that we can take out a subscription when Aide #1 goes on sale?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Takei:
Does this mean that we can take out a subscription when Aide #1 goes on sale?

Yes, even if I don't have the 'automatic' means in place for it, I will accept subscriptions and handle them manually until I can automate that part.
