Ok, not been on in a while. Over the years I have noticed gm's prepping for adventures and campains in a veriety of game systems. In all the different games I've been involved in, Traveller always seems to have the most preperation time. Many of you have posted all kinds of great ship write-ups, adventure seeds, backgrounds, passanger manifests, and on and on.
When the game day/night comes around, the PC's inevidable don't seem to scratch the surface of all that GM's prepare for.
Savage for instance... showed be volumes and volumes of planets, pcs, ships, cities, ports, and on and on that the PC's may not even begin to experience. If they do, it's only for the briefest amount of time. Many times they go off on tangents that GM's can't even begin to guess, and render all the hard work useless... or do they?
So here is an open question and discussion topic.
How much control should GM's have over their PC's?
I think this is an old topic. If it is, sorry, but I know I don't have any time (at least for now) to evening consider gaming or GM'ing for a long time. I'll start off my offering my theory and "sort of" working model I try to follow.
1)I always start off with a schematic outline of the adventure for my own notes. I try to write my adventures as if they were a movie or a script, in the broadest notion.
When the game day/night comes around, the PC's inevidable don't seem to scratch the surface of all that GM's prepare for.
Savage for instance... showed be volumes and volumes of planets, pcs, ships, cities, ports, and on and on that the PC's may not even begin to experience. If they do, it's only for the briefest amount of time. Many times they go off on tangents that GM's can't even begin to guess, and render all the hard work useless... or do they?
So here is an open question and discussion topic.
How much control should GM's have over their PC's?
I think this is an old topic. If it is, sorry, but I know I don't have any time (at least for now) to evening consider gaming or GM'ing for a long time. I'll start off my offering my theory and "sort of" working model I try to follow.
1)I always start off with a schematic outline of the adventure for my own notes. I try to write my adventures as if they were a movie or a script, in the broadest notion.