Hi hi hi!
Firstly.. Hunter, Pete should have sent you an e-mail about the topic in question, but basically, yes! , and I can get them done by friday.
By way of an explanation as to my irregular e-mail, Yvonne and I have left Germany and are back in the UK, but due to the vagueries of military housing and training rules I can't get a married quarter for a few more months so Yvonne and I are living 400 miles apart with me in temporary messing (and with Yvonne pregnant that isn't fun....). On the upside I'm posting this from the inlaw's house as I'm spending the weekend with Yvonne.
My old German e-mail address is cancelled and if you anyone needs to get me I can be contacted at travelling_shane @ yahoo.co.uk (remove the spaces, obviously), though if you need to get me urgently contact Pete at the address above as I mostly only get to access my mail at his house anyway!
Thanks y'all, and I'm looking forward to being abe to rejoin y'all ont he forums full time ina few months...
(poor, lonely, mostly-wifeless, mostly-CotIless Shane)